Max- Sweet Imagine

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A/N- This was for MillsPatrice02 !!! Hope you enjoy your imagine! Also, this is my first request so thank you for requesting. I am STILL taking requests so you guys can request a sweet or even a fight imagine with one or possibly both of the boys! Just message me, and when you request, tell me what you want to happen so it could be one of a kind! ON TO THE STORY!!! :)

*Patrice's P.O.V*

I was sitting in my room, just on, watching Max and Harvey's musical.lys.

I actually knew them when we were little! I miss them, even though we were like six when they moved. Us three were really close. I just felt like they were my first and true best friends, until they moved. I know I was young to even remember, but those kind of memories are hard to forget. I don't even think they remember me. 


(This will be in third person)

"Max!" Patrice giggles as she runs around the park with Harvey. Playing tag with the twins.

"I'm going to get you Patrice!" Six year old Max yells as he runs closer to Patrice.

They were just little six year olds running around the park, until their mom had to get them.

"Max! Harvey! We have to get to the car to go to our new house!" Their mom yells.

They all stop in their tracks and look at each other. 

"I-I don't want you guys to go." Patrice cried, tears welling up in her eyes.

Max was close to crying but held it in. 

"Patrice! We will be back! I know we will." Max said, hugging Patrice tightly.

"Promise you will remember me?" Patrice asked, sniffling a little as she hugged Max back.

"I promise to remember. You too Harvey?" He asks.

Harvey starts sobbing and runs towards them as they all form a group hug.

"Come on boys. We will see Patrice and her family again soon." Their mom said, smiling and tears welling up in her eyes as well.

They all nod and Harvey gave Patrice one last hug and went to the car. 

Max gave Patrice a hug too, it felt like they were hugging for hours. When his mom wasn't looking, Max gave Patrice a quick kiss on the cheek (I KNOW THEY ARE LIKE SIX BUT HEY I THOUGHT IT WAS KINDA CUTE) and hugged her.

"Goodbye Patrice." Max said.

"Goodbye Max."

*End Of Flashback*

(Back to Patrice's P.O.V)

"Patrice! Someone is here to see you!" I hear my mom call for me.

It must be Ava (sorry I thought of a random name for like your best friend), we hang out a lot at each other's houses.

I walk downstairs, and when I get there I see...Max and Harvey.

My mom left the room to let us talk but instead of talking first, I ran up to them and gave them the biggest hug.

"I missed you guys." I said, tearing up.

"We missed you too Patrice!" Max said. 

I let go of them and we go outside to the park we went to as kids.

We ran around and we were just playing together, like before.

"Harvey! Mum wants you to help unpack!" Tilly said running out of the house.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now