Max - Sweet Imagine

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Requested by: @Music_FanForever

*Merlijn P.O.V*

I was in my dressing room with my brides maids, getting all dressed and ready for my wedding with the man I love so much...

I was dressed in this:

I sat there in front of my mirror as my hair was getting fixed, my nerves really getting to me

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I sat there in front of my mirror as my hair was getting fixed, my nerves really getting to me.

"You ready girl?" My best friend asked me.

"I'm really nervous. What if something goes wrong or I mess up? Is everything all set?" I rambled on.

"Everything will be fine." Tilly beamed, smiling sweetly at me.

"I agree. This wedding will be perfect!" Y/BFF/N said, smiling.

I took a deep breath in and out, smiling and thanking them.

We all took group pictures and chatted.

I hope the groom and the others were doing alright.

*Max's P.O.V* 

I was in the dressing room and....



(This is a Buzzfeed Try Guys reference from Keith's wedding XD)

"Max, calm down." Dylan said, calmly.

"HOW CAN YOU BE CALM! HARVEY LOST HIS PANTS!" I shrieked, sweating and panting as I paced back and forth.

"Look! Maybe we could buy a new pair?" Harvey suggested.

I stopped and took a deep breathe, nodding.

We pulled out our phones and frantically looked for a pair.

(Now, I'm not going to do EXACTLY what happened to Keith, just the beginning part XD)

*Merlijin's P.O.V*

I noticed Tilly walked in with...a pair of pants?

"Um...Tilly?" I asked, confused.

"I was changing and I noticed in my clothing bag that I had these pair of pants. I think I took them by accident when I was taking my clothes from the closet." Tilly explained.

I noticed it was one of the groomsmen's pants and chuckled lightly.

"Take that to the groomsmen. Those are one of their pants." I chuckled.

Tilly laughed a little and nodded, heading over.

*Max's P.O.V*

We couldn't find any that matched and I panicked even more.

Dobby, Dylan, Nathan, and the others were trying to calm me down.

I didn't want to mess this up! Especially for Merlijin.

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