What the?

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Hey guys! Sorry I do a lot of chapters of me talking to you guys😂 but I love doing that! Anyways, I was looking through instagram and this one Max and Harvey account (JUST KNOW I AM NOT CALLING HER OUT!) was saying how Max and Harvey aren't the same anymore. That they changed. That they are not doing this for us but for FAME!? I WAS LIKE OH HECK NO!? THEY WOULD NEVER DO THAT! She then was saying how their Musical.lys weren't as funny or fun to watch anymore. I don't really know. I love their Musical.lys. They make me laugh and smile all the time! Max and Harvey ARE the same. They love each and every one of us. They are "maturing," you know? How would you feel if they did the same things over and over again? Just know I am not hating on her or anything! I respect her opinion! But for her to say they are doing it for fame....FAME....I lost it. They still are the same guys we knew before. They always will be. Again, no hate, I respect her opinion. I mean, people change sometimes. I don't think Max and Harvey changed. They are only 14. We've only known them since March of 2016 (which is when they first started I believe) and we can ALREADY tell a difference? Everyone who commented was tagging them so they could read it. I don't think that's a nice thing to show them. Don't you think they will be upset as well? She even said they are hurting us. I don't think so? At the end, she said she loved them still, which is good! She will always support them. Well, let's hope 2017 will be awesome for us! I hope you enjoy and all the love!!! Also, don't hate on her if you know who said this. This is just how I feel about this "situation."

(Sorry about this rant 😂 below are crappy memes I made)

(Sorry about this rant 😂 below are crappy memes I made)

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