Good News and Bad News

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Hey! Long time no see huh?

I have no excuse as to why I haven't updated.

All I can say is I'm so sorry!!!

So good news and bad news.

Bad news is, this book will be slowly updated.

Not really bad since I already update slow but just wanted to say that😂 HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS BOOTY

Good news is, I will make these requests LONG AND DETAILED and I am writing a couple books as you know.

I will try and actually do weekly updates too, so I won't leave you guys hanging here.

I want to communicate to you guys more. Should I do a roleplay book? I've been interested BUT I never know how it will go!

I want to add in all you guys too! Thing is if we all do it at once in the comments, that will be CRAZY.

Anyone got any ideas??? Text me if you do!

I'm going to get back to writing those imagines.

ALSO, I'm going to just type them all at once and then upload them all at once, it'll take a while but it's better than uploading one and then taking MONTHS to upload.

Well, see ya later! Bye! All the love!!!

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