Max - Sweet Imagine

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Requested by: @spiritclaries22   

*Spirit's P.O.V*

(Imagine you guys are married and just enjoying a snowy day at home)

I woke up to the smell of bacon and waffles.

I smiled and stretched, yawning a little. 

I got out of bed and freshened up in the restroom before making my way downstairs.

I heard Max singing some old songs from when we were in middle school.

"Loving can hurt...." He sang softly. "Loving can hurt sometimes..."

I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"But it's the only thing that I know..." I continued.

Max turned around and smiled, hugging me tight.

"Look who is finally awake." He joked.

I laughed as I shook my head.

"Look who decided to cook for once." I joked back.

"Ok you win." Max laughed as he served me a plate.

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, going to the living room and sitting down on the couch.

He brought his plate over and sat right next to me.

"So what will we do today?" Max asked as he took a bite of his bacon.

"I don't know. Seems like a nice day to just stay inside." I said, wrapping my blanket tighter around me.

"Oh come on! Lets go enjoy the snow!" Max whined.

"No, it's freezing." I said, chuckling a little.

Max soon gave me his puppy dog eyes.

I sighed.

"Fine, lets finish our breakfast and then we can go outside." I said.

Max cheered as he kissed my cheek, quickly eating his breakfast.

I laughed and ate mine.

   Max was done in legit 5 minutes.

"Come on Spirit!!! I want to go play outside!!!" Max whined like a little 3 year old.

I laughed, "Go change. I'm almost done and don't rush Max."

Max shot up and ran to our room to change.

I got done eating and put both of our plates up, quickly washing them.

I then went over to our room and put on a little make up, fixed my hair, and then put on some proper clothes so I won't be freezing outside.

I was all done and Max was already downstairs waiting for me.

I made my way downstairs, meeting Max by the door.

"Ready?" Max asked and I nodded.

We walked outside and Max jumped in the snow.

I laughed and pulled out my phone, taking a quick picture.

I had my back towards him and as I was posting the photo, Max threw a snowball at me!

I shrieked and turned around.

"Max Luca Mills you will pay for that!!!" I shouted, grabbing a snowball and throwing it at him.

He dodged it and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Missed me!" He joked.

I glared (jokingly) at him as I quickly made a snow fort and hid behind it.

Max did the same. 

I quickly made a whole bunch of snowballs, slowly peeking out of my fort to see where he was.

I looked around and was confused...

When I turned back I saw Max RIGHT in my face and I shrieked.

Max laughed as he held me close.

"Max you scared me!" I said, laughing as I hugged him back.

Max fell back in the snow, with me in his arms.

"I know, I'm surprised you didn't even hear me." Max chuckled.

I laughed, resting my head on his chest.

It felt as if time just stopped.

It was just Max and I...

I then sneezed a little, sniffling.

"Lets get you inside. I don't want you getting sick." Max said, a little concerned as he carried me inside the warm house.

I chuckled a bit as the warmth of our house suddenly hit me.

It felt amazing after being outside in the cold for a little while.

"You sure you don't want to stay outside for a bit longer?" I asked him as he quickly shut the door, going to the our room to get a blanket.

"I'm sure love." Max chuckled, "I don't want you getting sick."

He wrapped me up in a blanket, soon bringing two hot cocoas and some warm muffins.

We both cuddled up under the blanket and turned on the TV, watching Riverdale.

"I'm sorry I ruined the fun." I apologized, looking up at him.

Max held me closer, chuckling lightly.

"Love, it's ok! I'd rather be cuddled up with you, watching some Netflix, and eating these delicious chocolate chip muffins." Max said, smiling down at me.

I smiled.

"I love you Max." I said.

"I love you too Spirit." Max said, resting his head on mine.

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