Harvey - Sweet Imagine

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Requested by: @Rainbow_Derp234

*Brianna's P.O.V*

It was another boring school day.

Thankfully I had Max and Harvey in all my classes.

Those two really make my day. Especially Harvey...

Him and I are very close. I really do like him, but I'm scared I will ruin the friendship that we have.

Anyways, Harvey and I were chatting away until the teacher called the attention of the class.

"Ok class! I will be assigning you partners for your history project. I will assign each group a decade. Your job is to talk about someone famous in that time era. Celebrities, artists, etc. First group, Max and Brianna..." The teacher continued on.

I looked over at Max and he smiled at me.

After the teacher called out all the groups, Max and I sat together at my desk.

"Ok! So I was thinking we should of our project on The Beatles. Since we got the 60s." Max suggested.

I nodded, liking that idea.

(Sorry if you don't like The Beatles! You can change it if you'd like!)

I opened up a presentation slideshow and another tab for the research.

*End of School*

I had texted my parents that I will be staying over Max and Harvey's house for the weekend since I have a project to work on. My parents were always ok with it.

I had extra clothes and some extra things over there already.

I was walking home, just thinking about Harvey.

"So there are four members of The Beatles. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Ringo's real name is Richard Starkey but Ringo is his stage or nickname since he wears four rings." Max said, telling me more about The Beatles...but I wasn't paying attention.

"Brianna are you listening to me?" Max said as he stopped me in my tracks.

"What? Huh?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I was telling you some information?" Max chuckled.

"Oh! Sorry! Just thinking about some stuff." I said as we walked inside the house.

We went to his room and started doing research.

This project wasn't due until Monday so we had the whole weekend.

"Ok so for their birthplace and stuff. This is what I got: John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, his parents' names were Alfred and Julia. Paul McCartney was born on June 18th, 1942, his parents' names were Mary and James. George Harrison was born on February 25th, 1943, his parents' names were Louise and Harold. Ringo Starr was born on July 7th, 1940, and his parents' names were Elsie and Richard. All four were from Liverpool." I explained.

"So do you like anyone?" Max asked with a devilish grin, completely ignoring what I just said.

"Um...maybe." I said, keeping my eyes on the computer.

"Tell me!" He shrieked as he grabbed my computer and shoved it under his pillow.

"Max Luca Mills! We need to get this project done!" I whined, trying to get my computer back.

"It's not due until Monday so we have time. NOW TELL ME!" He whined.

"No! I don't want ANYONE knowing." I said.

"Oh come on. Please? What if I told you someone liked you." Max said.

*Harvey's P.O.V*

Dylan and I got partnered up and we were in my room while Max and Brianna were in his room.

I was kind of jealous that he got partnered with her since.....I like her...a lot.

But! She is staying over for the weekend so I can talk to her all weekend.

I was going to use the bathroom until I heard...

"What if I told you someone liked you?" 

I froze...

Only Max knows I like Brianna...what if he ruins it for me!

I love Brianna, I'll admit that. She is literally my life.

Cheesy I know but I really mean it.

Anyways, I stood by the door and listened.

*Brianna's P.O.V*

"Who!" I said, he had my full attention.

"Not gonna say unless you tell me." Max said, smirking.

"Oh come on! Please!" I begged.

"Well at least give me a hint." Max chuckled.

"Ok fine. He's my best and closest friend." I whispered.

Max gasped.

"HARVEY!?" Max shrieked.

*Harvey's P.O.V*

I could barely hear much since they were whispering.

All of a sudden I heard Max shout, "HARVEY?!"

Anger built up inside me as I bust through the door.

"HOW COULD YOU MAX?!" I shouted.

Max and Brianna look up at me, a little taken back.


Max looked at Brianna, then to me, then back to Brianna and smirked.

"You like me?" Brianna asked.

I looked down and nodded.

Max left and closed the door on his way out, leaving Brianna and I alone in his room.

"I'm sorry Bri. I've been wanting to tell you all this time, but I was scared that I would ruin our friendship. I probably did...it's ok if you don't like me." I sighed, looking down.

She giggled and hugged me tight.

"Silly, I like you too!" She beamed, looking up at me with those beautiful eyes.

I smiled and hugged her back.

"Thank goodness." I said, sighing a sigh of relief.

 "So I was wondering, maybe you would like to go out sometime?" I asked her.

She smiled even more.

"I would love to." She said.

I smiled hugging her closer to me.

This is the start of a beautiful relationship...

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