Max and Harvey- Jealous

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(This is in third person point of view by the way! ALSO THEIR NEW MUSIC VIDEO TO THEIR OWN SONG, ONE MORE DAY IN LOVE IS AMAZING!?!?!?!?!?)



Max had invited you over and when you got there, you saw Tom! You never told Max this but you actually liked Tom before you even met Max. You would watch Tom's live.lys and musical.lys. You don't anymore since your with Max, and you were just a fan of Tom.

"Hey love!" Max greeted you as you walked in his room, "This is Tom, one of my best friends." 

"Nice to meet you!" Tom said, sweetly.

"H-hi." You stuttered, smiling at him, in the corner of your eye, you could see Max getting a bit angry.

"I'll be back in a bit guys, I'm going to get us some snacks." Max said as he left.

"Soooo, you seem to know me already?" Tom chuckles.

"Yeah! I'm a fan actually." You said slightly embarrassed, "I watch your live.lys and stuff." 

"That's awesome!" He said smiling and giving me a high five.

We started joking around and horse playing, until you were dragged outside by Max.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He whisper yelled.

"Um, talking?" You replied, slightly annoyed.

You walked away, with Max trailing behind.

For the next few hours you and Tom were just chatting away, Max trying to fit in with the conversation.

"Uh guys. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit." Max said, a bit annoyed to even see Tom. You noticed and you were kinda enjoying it. You decided to play along more.

When Tom told one of his cheesy jokes, you burst out with laughter even though the jokes were terrible. You wanted to see how Max reacted (remember he is out still, you just wanted to see what he would do). One of the jokes was, "What type of cheese is not yours.......nacho cheese" (Didn't know how that joke actually went XD something like that). You would burst out laughing, playfully hitting Tom on the shoulder.

Tom seemed oblivious which was perfectly fine with you! Made it easier.

All of a sudden, Max came bursting through the door, looking pretty angry.

"'re mom is here." Max said through gritted teeth.

Tom nodded and smiled, hugging me and saying his goodbyes.

Max didn't say his goodbyes and pushed Tom downstairs, leaving Harvey to do the rest, then stomping back upstairs.

"Max! What is up with you!" You exclaim, crossing your arms over your chest as you look at Max as closes the door and sits down on his bed, like a mom confronting her son. 

"He was FLIRTING with MY girlfriend!?!" Max argued back as he pouted. You looked at him and chuckled, knowing the plan to make him jealous worked perfectly.

"Max Luca Mills..." you sigh, "you seriously think I like Tom?" 

Max looks up at you and sighs.

"I just love you so much and seeing you with my best friend was just making me so jealous." He admits.

"Oh I know. I was just playing along. I was a fan of Tom before I met you, so it was crazy to see one of my favorite musers. I use to like Tom as well, but now I have you." you sit down next to Max and hold his hand, "I love you a lot more. Ok?"

"Ok. I love you." 

"I love you too."

He leans in and kisses you. You feel sparks inside you. Then the door bursts open and in comes Harvey.

"MY EYES!?! OH MY DAYS! YOU GUYS HAD TO DO IT WHEN I WALKED IN!?" Harvey shrieked and ran out as you and Max burst in laughter.

You and Max laid down on the bed and just laid there the rest of the day, talking and kissing here and there.


You were at the Mill's house, alone with your boyfriend, Harvey.

You were cuddling with your loving boyfriend, watching The Space Between Us. Harvey knew about your celebrity crush, Asa Butterfield, so he was quite jealous whenever he heard a squeal or an, "OMG! Asa is such a good actor."

When you were cuddling with Harvey, he would tighten his arms that were around you whenever Asa came on the screen. You noticed and decided to just leave it be. 

The movie ended and you ended up on top of Harvey, your arms around his torso.

"Harvs, you ok?" You ask a bit worried.

"Yeah...I'm ok with my girlfriend drooling over an actor..." He said frowning.

You kissed Harvey's lips and hugged him tight.

"Harvey Kitt Mills. I love you so much. He is just a celebrity crush. You have one too don't you? I am happy to have you to be my boyfriend, knowing you are there for me is an amazing feeling. You are better than is kinda better." You said, whispering the last part into his ear, smirking.

He looks at you and kisses your lips. 

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Harvey."

All of a sudden Max comes in with Tilly.

"OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!?! GET A ROOM!?" Max shrieked as he covered Tilly's eyes.

You and Harvey laughed, laying there on the couch, enjoying each other's company,\

A/N- Hoped you enjoyed! Sorry it is so short, I promise to upload more content SOON! All the love!!!

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