Max - Fight Imagine

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Thank you @macka0998 for requesting this! GUESS WHO'S BACK Y'ALL! Yes! I finally came back to writing. I know I know, I took FOREVER to write for you guys but I will work my butt off to do this for you guys because writing is like my life! I love writing. Quick announcement! I will not be writing anymore imagines for The Outsiders so that book that is called 60s to 80s imagines will now be just for The Beatles. I'm sorry for those who wanted that. I just lost interest in writing for them. Also! I will start a new book for Thomas Brodie Sangster!  (Looks like this if y'all don't know who this cute boy is)

 Also! I will start a new book for Thomas Brodie Sangster!  (Looks like this if y'all don't know who this cute boy is)

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So yeah! I will write imagines for him possibly! These are the books I will be writing: Max and Harvey, 5sos/1D, The Beatles and now Thomas Brodie Sangster!

I hope you all enjoy, I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE!!!!

*Elisabeth's P.O.V*

I was at home, getting ready to go to Max's house.

We've been dating for about a year.

I got dressed in this:

(NOTE: I DID NOT MAKE THIS! The second outfit I made!)

I took one last look in the mirror and smiled, grabbing my phone and then heading over

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I took one last look in the mirror and smiled, grabbing my phone and then heading over.

I got to his house and Harvey answered. He bit his lip.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey..." He whispered.

"Are you okay? Something wrong?" I asked, a bit concerned.

He just mumbled something as he let me in.

 I didn't hear what he said but I nodded slowly, heading over to Max's room.

"Hey Max." I smiled as I shut the door, walking over to him, kissing his cheek.

He showed no emotion or even affection.

Something was up...

"Elisabeth, we...need to end this." Max said, looking me dead in the eye.

"W-what? End what?" I stuttered, praying he wasn't breaking up with me.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now