Not The End

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Hey guys! It has been probably a year. I know! Words cannot explain how sorry I am for not uploading or keeping up with this book. 

I want to really open up and be honest with you guys, and there are reasons as to why I haven't been uploading.

One, I am not into Max and Harvey anymore. I mean I do support them and all, but I grew up and just moved on. I am so sorry guys. I know there were some imagines I haven't even finished or started, and I want to apologize to those who have waited MONTHS for them. 

Two, I just haven't been writing as much. I haven't got much inspiration, BUT I want to try and get back to it. That is why I titled this, this is not the end. I will be writing a lot more, and you will be seeing a lot more from me in the future. I have a lot of ideas and stories coming soon. 

There is just one thing I want everyone to understand that my writing may not be so consistent because I am balancing school work, house work and my free time all at once if that makes sense. I DO NOT MEAN TO SOUND RUDE OR SELFISH OR ANYTHING. I just want everyone to understand <3

This is not the last time you will ever see me! If you want to keep updated, follow me <3

Also, I will forever be a millsie <3

All the love <3333

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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