Max and Harvey - Fight and Sweet Imagine

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*Alicia's P.O.V* is my first day at school here in Berkshire. I recently  moved here about a week ago and I'm still not liking it here.

I feel so lonely here, I really have no one.

I walk to my first period, Math class.

I'm actual decent in math. 

I look around and see a couple of girls and a lot of guys. Some twins caught my eye until the teacher came up to me.

"Good morning! You must be the new student." She greeted me, making me feel welcome.

"Oh, yes. I'm Alicia." I said, smiling back at her.

"Max! Harvey! Come over here." She calls to the twins.

They are pretty cute...

I snap out of my thoughts again when they come up to me, smiling.

"They have the same classes as you and will be showing you around. Harvey, show her around the school if you please. Max, stay here." She informs them. 

Max nods and goes back to his seat. Harvey takes my schedule and shows me around.

"So since we have all the same classes, I can show you your classes each period." Harvey said, his accent just making me fall in love.

Alicia! Snap out of it. You don't even know this guy! Gosh...but he's so cute...

"Alicia? Earth to Alicia?" He calls out, waving his hand in front of my face.

I jump back a bit, "Sorry. Just got lost in thought."

He chuckles and smirks.

"Well, I was saying the library was just down the hall, the cafeteria is to the right, bathrooms are to the left, and the office is right near the entrance of the school." He explains again.

"Thanks." I said, pushing some of my hair out of my face.

"Stop hiding your face, you're really pretty." Harvey says, smiling at me as he moves closer to me.

"Charming." I said, smirking.

He chuckles, smirking back at me.

"We should head back to class." I suggest.

"What's the rush? We have our stuff, we can just get to our next period." Harvey says, grabbing my hand and taking me out to what I'm guessing is the school patio. It's really pretty.

"How long until next period?" I ask.

He checks his watch, "about twenty minutes."

I nod. I soon notice how close Harvey is to me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as cheesy as it sounds.

"You know, I wasn't lying when I said you were pretty." Harvey says, killing the silence.

I blush a little, smiling.

Time must've flown by, the next bell rang.

"Onto science." Harvey announces like some superhero, making me laugh.

We walk over and there I see his twin, Max.

Harvey goes to his seat and the teacher assigned me in the seat next to Max.

"You must be Alicia, I'm Max. You probably already know my twin Harvey." Max said.

"Yes, I am Alicia and yes, I did meet your brother. It's nice to meet you." I said, smiling.

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