Harvey - Sad/Happy Imagine

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Requested by:  @Artgeek2003

*Charlize P.O.V*

It was Harvey and I's one year anniversary! 

One year with my crazy but loving boyfriend.

I actually made something for him! It was this framed picture of a collage of us.


I walked over to his house and I knocked on the door.

Max answered and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey!" He greeted, letting me in.

"Hey, Harvey home?" I asked.

"No, he went out but he's coming back." Max informed me.

I nodded and sat down in their living room.

I wonder what he's out for?

*Two Hours Later*

Max and I chatted a bit and ate a little. I checked the time and two hours passed by.

I bit my lip and looked down.

Max noticed and patted my back a little.

I noticed he tensed up a little when he saw something on his phone.

"What? What is it?" I asked, a little confused.

Max looked at me, concern plastered on his face.

I grabbed his phone and saw these endless pictures of Harvey and this girl...

They were walking around town, holding hands and being all close to each other,

A sob left my mouth and I had my head in my hands.

I thought he loved me...

Max hugged me tight.

*Max's P.O.V*

I hugged Charlize tight...

Something wasn't right though.

This didn't seem like something Harvey would do? Harvey would endlessly tell me about how much he loved her.

Something felt off about this. I know my twin more than anyone.

Charlize was crying into my shoulder as I studied the picture. In the picture, Harvey looked uncomfortable. Sure he was smiling, but that was a fake smile.

"I'm just going to go." Charlize whimpered as she got up and headed straight for the door.

I jumped up and ran after her.

"No! Charlize wait!" I called out but she was already gone and headed straight home.

I'm going to have to help Harvey with this....

*Charlize's P.O.V*

I walked upstairs to my room and slammed my door shut.

I let the tears all out and I just cried myself to sleep...

Today was the worst day ever...

I thought he loved me...

I thought he would stay true to me...

*Harvey's P.O.V*

I was out for the day to get my loving girlfriend a necklace with my birthstone and her birthstone for our anniversary today!

I was out at the jewelry store and I was talking to the lady, telling her about the necklace I wanted for Charlize.

After a couple hours, I was actually able to get the necklace tomorrow. I gave her my address and soon left, thanking her and saying my goodbyes.

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