Harvey- Fight Imagine

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Thank you x-bratayley-x for requesting this imagine! I didn't know if it would be more of a fight or sweet? XD I feel like it would be more of a fight  imagine! Hope you enjoy and NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!

*Alana's P.O.V*

I was over at the Mill's house and it was for a project Harvey and I were assigned! I was so happy I was assigned with him since he is my best friend and...

I kinda like him...

I don't want to tell him since I don't want to ruin anything! 

We were in the middle of doing our project when Harvey started messing around.

"Look at me! Alana! Alana!" Harvey exclaimed as he poked my cheek.

I looked over and saw he was hanging off his bed.

I giggle and shake my head, going back to the poster we were making.

*Harvey's P.O.V*

Oh my gosh...

Alana's laugh is so cute.

I love her! I hadn't told anyone but Max and my family. Except Tilly. She would tell her. I always talk about how beautiful she is to Max. How happy she makes me.

He just nods and sighs, looking at his phone.

I don't know if she likes me back. I hope so...

We have been friends forever! I want to be more than friends.

I've also had Leo be my little advice giver. Yeah he's young but you wouldn't believe how good his advice is. I'm also getting help from my mum!

She helped me plan a little surprise for Alana. Tonight is when I can reveal it!

"Hey, your mum said you can stay over tonight for our project right?" I asked, kind of hoping she said yes.

She smiles and nods, "Yes! I actually can stay the whole weekend. My mom and dad needed to go somewhere for a bit and said I can stay here with you guys!" 

I smiled and inside my head,I was SCREAMING. 


"Can we take a break? I'm kind of tired of doing this and it's not due till Tuesday!" I asked, as she nodded.

We started setting up a movie on my laptop. We sat down together and we were CLOSE. Like sitting CLOSE together!?

I wish I could explain how much I love her to her but would she reject me?

All of a sudden...Max HAD to barge in and join.

I wanted to beat him up but I knew Alana wouldn't like that, so I kept my cool.

*Max's P.O.V*

I sat downstairs in the living room as I heard  Alana laughing with Harvey...

Ugh...why does Harvey have to like the girl I LIKE! I love her to pieces and I will do anything for her.

I can't sit around here and let Harvey take her away from me. 

I need to tell her I like her before Harvey does.

But...but what if she likes him and not me. 

What if she sees me as a friend?

My mind was all over the place...

I didn't know what to do! I just decided to go join in on the "fun."

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now