Harvey- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you Eva_The_Unicat for requesting this imagine! I hope you enjoy!!!! NOW ONTO THE STORY!

*Eva's P.O.V*

I was in my room getting ready for my first date with Harvey!!!

Harvey is seriously an amazing guy.

We met at school and I remember Harvey was so nervous to talk to me.

I looked in my closet and seriously couldn't choose an outfit!?

He was taking me out for a whole day to Alton Towers. This AWESOME amusement park!

It's still kinda cold here in England so I chose this for my outfit: (Made this! Hope you liked it!)

It's still kinda cold here in England so I chose this for my outfit: (Made this! Hope you liked it!)

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I looked in the mirror and smiled. Happy with the final look!


I looked at my phone and saw a text from Harvey.

*Convo With Harvey*

*Convo With Harvey*

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*End Of Convo*

I smiled and got up. Walking out of my room as I said my goodbyes to my family. 

It took A LOT of persuading for my dad to let me go on my first date with Harvey.

My dad really is protective of me when it comes to BOYS. My parents have met his parents, and they both loved them! 

I walked out of the house and over to Harvey's house.

When I knocked on the door, Max opened up and was standing there, tired.

"Hey Eva!" He yawned, trying to seem energetic.

"Hey Max!" I laughed as Max let me in.

"You have NO IDEA how nervous Harvey is." Max laughed as he closed the door.

"What happened?" I giggled as I heard a loud thump coming from upstairs.

"He had me up all night helping choose the "perfect" outfit to wear so he could impress you. Right now he's running around, trying to make sure he was- BAM - ready..." He laughed as we heard a loud crash.

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