Harvey- Fight Imagine

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Thank you ayeitsmaryana for requesting this imagine! STILL TAKING REQUESTS!

*Maryana's P.O.V*

I was with Harvey (at their house), singing quietly to myself as I scrolled through my phone.

Harvey was acting rather quiet? He was usually very happy or very energetic!

I sighed as I stopped singing.

"Harvey, why are you being so quiet?" I asked him.

Harvey looked at me, a little worried. I started to get a little anxious. Did he do something bad?

I held his hands as I looked at him. 

"Just say it Harv. It's ok." I said, calmly.

Harvey took a deep breathe and said, "Max and I are going to LA tomorrow for our tour."

I looked at him shocked as I slowly stood up.

"Tomorrow?!" I nearly shouted as I started to get angry. 

Harvey looked at me, fear and anger now fixed in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!?" I argued. 

I know, I should be happy for him, but he's going to be gone for a while and I hated it when Harvey was gone.

"Why aren't you happy? We should be spending this last day together! NOT FREAKING SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER!" Harvey shouted as he towered over me.


"WELL MAYBE BECAUSE YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW MY BUSINESS ALL THE TIME!" Harvey shouted as he roughly pushed past me, making me fall.

I gasped a little from the sudden action.

Harvey has never been THAT aggressive when it came to fights.

I got up and when I faced Harvey, I saw his shocked expression.

"Maryana...I didn't mean too..." He whispered.

I shook my head. 

"I'm done with you Harvey..." I mumbled as I looked down, soon grabbing my backpack.

Harvey started to panic, "What do you mean you're done with me?!"

"You hurt me...physically...I never expected you to do that..." I whispered as I backed away from him.

Harvey tried to hug me but I just backed away even further.

"It was a mistake! I swear! I'm sorry! It was for a-" I cut him off as I reached the door.

"Bye Harvey. Have fun on tour." I said as I ran downstairs and out the house.

"MARYANA!" I heard Harvey yell before I left.

As I walked home, I couldn't help but let all the tears out.

*Harvey's P.O.V*

"MARYANA!" I shouted before I heard the door slam shut.

I dropped to the ground, crying my eyes out.

Max, Leo, and Tilly came running in. Tilly hugging me tight.

"What happened!" Max asked me as Leo stood next to him.

"Did Maryana say no?" Tilly asked me.

I looked at them and just kept silent.

Max face palmed as Leo looked at me like, 'Are you serious!?'

"I was going to tell her but-" Max cut me off.

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