Harvey Imagine (Part 1)

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For @natheeefa7861  

*Y/N's P.O.V*

I woke up, dreading another day of school...

I looked at my phone and noticed I woke up late!

My mom was already at work and so was my dad.

I usually walked to school.

I had ten minutes to get ready so I brushed my hair, changed into my uniform, brushed my teeth, and headed straight out the door.

I was eating an apple as I walked to school, until someone slapped it out of my hand...

"What's up loser?" Harvey snickered, shoving me a little hard.

I bit my lip as I caught my balance, trying my best to just hold it all in.

Welcome to my life...

The life of Y/N.

You just met my school bully, Harvey.

Sounds pretty cliché, but it's true that Harvey Kitt Mills is my bully.

Him and I use to be best friends. We were so close.

It was until after middle school, he just started hating me and bullied me.

He has hurt me physically and mentally.

Harvey caught up with his group of friends.

I noticed Max stayed behind with me?

"Are you going to bully me too?" I snapped.

Max was Harvey's twin if you didn't already know.

Whenever Harvey would bully me, Max would just stand around. He would laugh...but it looked as if it was a fake laugh?

I don't know, I could be seeing things.

"I would never bully you." Max said straight up, chuckling a bit.

"But why? You never stood up for me and whenever your evil twin brother bullies me, you would laugh." I argue.

"That laugh? It's fake. I know I should've helped and stood up for you, but Harvey is Harvey. I try not to get into his way so much. Do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?" Max asked.

I shook my head.

"My friend is out sick today." I explained, feeling a little comfortable with Max.

"Alright! I will sit with you then." He said, smiling.

"Aren't you scared about what others would say? What about Harvey?" I asked, a bit worried.

"Harvey may be older than me by two minutes, but I'm not scared of him. I could always go to our mum and dad too. They don't even know what he has been doing." Max said, reassuring me.

Thankfully Max had all my classes. Harvey did too sadly...

Max and I were never really that close. Not as close as Harvey and I.

We walked into our first class, English.

I loved this class (sorry if you actually don't!).

I got to write stories, just write my heart out.

Anyways, I usually just sat alone in the middle rows, but Max decided to sit with me.

Harvey sat right behind me....which was odd?

He usually sat in front, now he is right behind me.

I shifted in my seat, getting a little anxious and uncomfortable.

Max noticed and held my hand, running his thumb across the top of my hand.

I soon relaxed and smiled, thanking him.

I could feel Harvey's eyes staring dead at me...but I didn't care.

I felt safe with Max.

I did had that bad feeling Max was playing a trick on me, but what made it seem like it wasn't a trick was how Harvey looked mad at...not me...but Max? Maybe he was mad that his own twin brother was going against him?

*Harvey's P.O.V*

I stared at my brother staring at the one girl I just oh so desperately wanted...

Yes, I know what you're thinking. Very cliché of the bully to fall in love with their victim.

I missed how we were...

I missed everything we had...

It was just when we hit high school, there was this guy who would always talk to me about Y/N...

I loved her from the start...

It's just I had to be an idiot and ruin it all.

I don't know why I started bullying her! All I ever wanted to do was make her happy...not afraid.

Anyways, the day went on and our last class of the day was our music class.

We were presenting our songs we chose.

We basically just had to pick a song and sing it while playing the piano or any instrument we wanted to play with.

It was Y/N's turn and she was the very last person to go up.

As she was singing, my heart just melted.

Her voice was so beautiful...

SHE is beautiful...


Everyone started clapping and I started clapping too.

The bell rang and everyone left class, ready to finally head home.

By the time I grabbed my bag, everyone was gone.

I sighed.

On my way home, all I could think of was her...

That one girl who just stole my heart...

Cheesy I know. You might be cringing right now.

But it's the truth. 

Anyways, I walked inside and heard laughing.

I looked in the living room and saw Max and Y/N sitting together...close together...

I stomped up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door, dropping my bag and falling (face first) onto my bed. My face hitting the pillow.

"Why did you have to fall for Max..." I sobbed into the pillow.

Duh! You idiot! It's because you bully her!

"I'm a terrible person." I whispered to myself.

There was a knock on my door.

"Go away!" I sobbed.

 The door opened and I groaned.

"I said go away!" I cried out.

"But why..." The intruder said.

I turned around and saw it was...

A/N- CLIFFHANGER! Again, sorry it is taking me some time to upload my requests. This is part one so stay tuned for part two!

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