Harvey- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you happysam123 for this request!!! I hope you enjoy! This was a Christmas imagine but I was taking a while for the other imagines. I am so sorry for me taking FOREVER. NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!!

*Samantha's P.O.V*

I woke up in Harvey's arms. I could feel his breath against my neck when he exhales.

I look at my phone and see it is Christmas! 

Harvey and I always spend Christmas together. My parents allowed me this time to stay over at the Mills' house for winter break too.

I tried getting up to change into some new clothes, but Harvey's grip tighten as I tried to get out of his arms.

"Babe, we have to get up." I whispered as I kissed his nose.

He groans but still stays where he's at.

I try to get out but he still keeps a hold of me by my waist.

"Don't go, it's too early to wake up." He said, his voice raspy.

"I promise I will get back to bed when I get changed." I said as I kissed his lips softly.

When I pull away, I see him smile and let go of me.

"You better get back." He said, as I got up and went off to go get changed.

I walk over to the closet Max and Harvey shares and I steal one of Harvey's t-shirts.

I walk over to the bathroom and get changed into some shorts and Harvey's t-shirt. After I got done with brushing my teeth and showering, I tried my best to sneak out of the room and into the kitchen to make some food.

A note was left on the fridge saying that their parents left for a little while for their little day out. 

I walk over to the toaster and put in a couple pieces of toast, making some bacon as well. 

As I was taking the toast out, I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"You really had to leave me in bed Sam?" I hear Harvey ask as he kisses my cheek, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Either we have breakfast or not! You nor Max can cook babe." I chuckled as I turn around, wrapping my arms around Harvey's neck.

"Not to be rude and ruin your moment but for your information I CAN cook." Max said pretending to be dramatic as he came in, taking a piece of toast.

I laugh and go back to cooking, Harvey not leaving me the whole time.

After breakfast, Harvey and I decided to cuddle on the couch, watching some movies as we waited for their parents to come home so we can open presents.

I really loved being with Harvey. He is so caring and sweet. As we were laying down, Harvey was running his hand through my dirty blonde hair as I rested my head on his chest.

"Samantha." He said, looking at my blue orbs as I looked into his hazel ones. All I saw was love.

"Yes Harvey?" I asked, not breaking the eye contact.

"I love you, you know that right?" He said, in his serious tone he RARELY used.

"I know that, I love you too." I said, hugging him tight.

"Forever?" He said, holding me closer to him.

"And always." I finished, falling asleep in his arms.

We both woke up to Tilly shaking us to wake up, jumping around and shouting out, "HARVEY! SAMMY! IT'S TIME TO OPEN GIFTS!"

Harvey and I chuckled but got up and sat in the living room. Waiting for the others to come in.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now