Max- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you mandhofficial_ for requesting this imagine! I am still taking requests so you guys can always request for more! This is another family life but this time for Max!!! Again I am willing to do these type of imagines as well. NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!!

*Allison's P.O.V*

I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant!

Although, I was afraid to tell Max because I was worried it would interfere with his career.


(Still Allison's P.O.V)

"How do I do this..." I whispered to myself as I looked at the baby things that was on the bed Max and I shared (Duh).

Max was out for the day with Harvey to do some recordings for their new album and I was so happy for them!

They really took off in the singing industry!

I sighed as I looked at the pregnancy test I took just a few days ago. 


When I saw that positive sign, I flipped out.

"What do I do..." I whispered to myself.

I decided to set up the stuff in the laundry room. Everyday when Max comes home, he goes straight to the laundry room to get a clean t-shirt. I decided to put one of the baby's clothes in the dryer and then when he comes into the room he will see me and ask me what is that and I will just go from there! I know it sounds all crazy but it'll make sense as it goes!

I chose a light yellow shirt with a baby duck on it that was absolutely ADORABLE, and placed it in the dryer. After about 10 minutes of me pacing around the room, I hear Max...

"Babe! I'm home!!!" 

"I'm upstairs!" I called back.

I heard his footsteps go straight to the laundry room and that was my cue to make sure I had the pregnancy test and all the baby stuff in place.

"Allison?" Max called out confused, walking in the room with the shirt in his hand, looking down at it.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered accidentally.

"What is this?" He asks, curiosity filling his eyes, as he slowly looked up.

He gasped as he saw all the baby stuff on our shared bed.

"Ok...honey...just let me talk." I said calmly as he came up to me, nodding.

"'m pregnant." I said slowly as I handed him the test.

Max looked at the test and started to tear up.

I started crying hard because I thought he didn't want the baby, until he wrapped his arms around me tight and spun me around.

"I'm going to be a dad!!!" Max cheered as I giggled.

He set me down and lifted up my shirt, kissing my stomach lightly.

*End of Flashback*

Max and I were married for only about a year before that happened. 

I still smile just thinking about Max's expression and how he felt about being a dad.

I knew Max would be the overprotective dad. He was so gentle and really helpful as my bump grew bigger. Max would always bring me to the studio to watch me and make sure I was safe. I laughed every time Harvey would smack Max in the back of the head because Max wasn't focusing. I knew Harvey was excited too. He REALLY wanted to be an uncle. Tilly and Leo were excited too!

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