Harvey - Sweet Imagine

978 20 7

Thank you @AlohaKala for requesting! I hope you enjoy!

*Sarah's P.O.V*

I was at the dance studio today, wearing:

I was at the dance studio today, wearing:

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I got there and saw my group.

In our group, three new girls came in just last week. I actually helped one of the girls. Her name was Tilly. 

"Ok girls! Settle down, settle down. Now, lets start with some warm-ups and then I will tell you guys the group dance we will be performing." Coach said as we all got into place and stretched.

We practiced and practiced for about two weeks, leading up to our performance.

I was so nervous but right when we got on stage, I wasn't so nervous! I was happy, dancing my heart out.

When I was dancing, I noticed this one guy who looked kind of cute, I shook it off as we finished up our dance.

When we ended our number, the crowd applauded and cheered. We took a final bow and left the stage.

Tilly and I were talking as we walked to our families.

"You did so good Tilly!" I said, smiling down at her.

She smiled and hugged me tight.

"You did good too Sarah." She gushed.

"Come meet my brothers!" Tilly said as she took my hand and brought me to her three older brothers.

"That's Leo, that's Max, and that's Harvey." She pointed, to each of them.

They all waved and smiled at me, saying how good we did.

One of them, Harvey, was just looking at me.

I blushed a little as I tried not to stare, but who couldn't!

"Sarah....Sarah!" Tilly called out to me.

I jumped as I looked at her.

Harvey smirked  a little as he chuckled.

"Oh! Uh sorry Tills, just got lost in my thoughts." I said, almost stumbling over my words.

Tilly already knew why and giggled.

"Max! I need to use the restroom!" Leo whined.

Guess he had been holding it.

"Same Max!" Tilly said as he grabbed his hand.

Max chuckled as he nodded.

"Nice meeting you Sarah." Max said, smiling at me as he walked to the restrooms with Tilly and Leo.

"Someone couldn't stop staring huh?" Harvey joked as I blushed, playfully slapping his arm.

"I wasn't the only one!" I said as I chuckled.

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