Max- Sad Imagine

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Thank you AutumnEaves for requesting this imagine! This is my first sad imagine. Still taking requests! Also, DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR GUYS' IMAGINES! I AM WORKING ON THEM! ALSO THOSE BOOKS WILL BE OUT SOON!!! ONE MORE THING! I WILL TAKE ANY TYPE OF REQUEST! If you want smut.....just know I am TERRIBLE at that stuff XD NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!

*Y/N's P.O.V*

I woke up and the first thing I always did when I wake up is check my phone. I looked at it confused as I saw nothing.

I usually got a good morning text from Max.

Oh well...

I sighed as I got up, heading to my closet as I chose this outfit:

I sighed as I got up, heading to my closet as I chose this outfit:

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As I looked at my outfit, I had this amazing idea! 

I decided, why not surprise Max!!!

I quickly made sure I had money in my purse and I soon texted Max:

I quickly made sure I had money in my purse and I soon texted Max:

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I waited a couple minutes.


He normally texts me quick.

I sighed but went downstairs to head to the store.

*At The Store*

The walk wasn't far, but when I got to the store, I went straight to the candy (or sweets) aisle.

My plan was to buy Max some candy, a teddy bear, and take him out on a date!

I got some chocolate, this cute little teddy bear and paid for it. Simple yet sweet!

When I got outside I made my reservations at this nice restaurant.

I smiled as I looked around, seeing all the couples walking around.


"Come on Max!!!" I called out to him as I ran up the hill.

Max chuckled as he jogged up the hill, being careful with the picnic basket and the food inside.

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