Harvey - Sweet Imagine

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A/N- The next few (except for a couple) will be sorta short! I am so sorry! It is so I can get this imagines up!

Harvey had decided to bring me to the carnival and I am excited!

We walked in and I immediately ran to this booth with a HUGE teddy bear!

"Harv! I want that!" I squealed.

Harvey laughed, walking over with Max and Tom trailing behind.

"Alright love." He says, kissing my cheek.

He paid the kind man and the man gave him three baseballs to throw at the cans.

Harvey knocked only two?! One of them still stood!

"WHAT!" Harvey freaked.

"I got this." Tom said, smirking.

He too only knocked down two cans.

"Third times a charm right?" Max chuckles.

He takes the baseball and knocks down only two.

He groans and pouts like a little three year old.

"Let me try!" I suggest, handing the man money and getting the baseballs.

"Just take your time and aim." The old man said, smiling sweetly at me.

I focused, aimed, and threw the ball.


"I DID IT!" I cheered, not embarrassed if I was shouting.

Max, Harvey, and Tom all cheered.

I thanked the man for the teddy bear and we went our way through the carnival.

We walked around the carnival, until Max and Tom ran off, finally leaving Harvey and I alone.

"Finally, some alone time with my girlfriend." Harvey laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Lets go eat! I am starving." I suggest.

"Alright love." He says.

We walk over to this little restaurant and I sat down the teddy bear as Harvey went to the cashier to order some fries and cokes.

I was on my phone until a boy around our age sits in Harvey's spot in our booth.

"Um can I help you?" I ask, a little irritated.

"Well, I saw that you were sitting alone and I decided to invite myself. What's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?" The boy asks.


"She's not alone." Harvey says, his jaw clenched with our cokes in his hands.

The guy looks up and scoffs.

"That's your boyfriend? You can do WAY better than him." The guy states.

"Why don't you just get up and leave. Unless you want to make a scene." Harvey says, his voice low and pretty scary.

The guy scoffs and walks away.

I smirk at Harvey as he sits down next to me, his arm immediately wrapping around my waist.

"You ok Harv?" I ask, resting my side into him.

"Yeah, I'm alright, Just hate it when guys think it's ok to flirt with my girlfriend." Harvey huffs as he takes a sip of his coke.

Our fries come and as we were eating, Max and Tom came inside, hands and pockets FULL of tickets from the arcade.

"So you two must've had a fun time." I laugh, shaking my head.

I felt like a mom talking to my sons.

Max and Tom laughed and nodded, sitting down in the booth. Max talked about the crazy things they saw and did at the arcade as Tom stuffed all their tickets in his backpack.

We sat their in the cool building for a bit until Harvey and I decided to leave to go walk the boardwalk.

I let Max and Tom hold onto the teddy bear as they went back to the arcade to play some more.

As Harvey and I walked along the boardwalk, hand in hand, it just felt like it was only him and I...no one else around.

I seriously felt like Harvey was THE one.

I wouldn't imagine my life with anyone else. I know I shouldn't rush this...we are only in high school.

"Earth to Savannah?" Harvey says, waving his hand in front of my face. 

I jumped a bit and apologized.

Harvey chuckled, "it's alright, I was wondering if you wanted to go on the ferris wheel?"

I smiled and nodded. 

He took my hand and we walked over to the ride.

We got in and I immediately cuddled into his side.

I guess Harvey planned this since he took out a blanket and we both shared it.

I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I love you Savannah." He says, kissing my forehead softly.

"I love you too Harvey." I say, kissing his cheek.

We got to the top and the ride stop. There, we saw a beautiful view of the sky. The moon lit the sea and the stars covered the sky.

I smiled but then noticed Harvey reach in his pocket.

He pulled out a velvet box.

I gasped a bit, looking right at him.

"Now, this isn't a proposal. We are too young, but this is a promise ring. I promise to love you...forever. I will treat you right and stay loyal for as long as we last. I love you and when I say those three words...I truly mean it." He says as he takes my ring finger and slips the beautiful ring on.

He took out a matching ring and slipped it on his finger.

As we looked into each other's eyes, we kissed and I just felt like the world just stopped...

Who knows! I might be the future Mrs.Mills.

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