Harvey- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you @ecs2005 for requesting!!! PLEASE READ MY AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END! Now...ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!

*Eleanor's P.O.V*

I was over at the Mills' house, just having a sleepover.

I've been friends with Max and Harvey since we were babies!

We did a quick YouNow, the boys being their hyper and crazy selves.

After that, they got changed and into bed, Max fell asleep INSTANTLY while Harvey couldn't sleep.

I quickly took a shower and wore this:

I quickly took a shower and wore this:

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I walked back to the guest room to get ready to sleep.

I made the dumb decision to watch some horror movie that literally scarred me.

After the movie, I fell asleep.

*In Your Dream*

"HARVEY!"  I shrieked, trying to save Harvey from that creepy clown.

The clown came up behind Harvey and grabbed him, covering his mouth and nose with some cloth.

Harvey struggled but was soon unconscious.

The clown dragged Harvey to the white van, THROWING HIM right in the back. Slamming the doors shut.

I couldn't move. 

I couldn't stop the clown.

All I could do was cry and cry.

My head was in my hands as I was on my knees.

I looked back up and saw the clown coming RIGHT AT ME.

I screamed my lungs out.

*End Of Dream*

*Harvey's P.O.V*

I was in the middle of watching a Paint video (Jon Cozart!), when I heard a scream coming from Eleanor's room!

I shot up, running to her room.

I got to her room and I saw her sitting up in her bed, breathing heavily.

I walked over to her and sat next to her, hugging her tight.

"Eleanor, I'm here. Don't worry. It was just a dream." I cooed as I rubbed her back, she was crying into my chest.

"It felt so real Harv!" She sobbed, her voice muffled.

"Do you want to explain to me what happened?" I asked her, calmly.

She pulled away a little and explained to me everything that happened. Hiccupping and sniffling here and there.

It startled me a little but I held her tight, reassuring her that that was all a dream and that she was safe.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up Harvey." She whispered as she looked up at me.

I smiled down at her and chuckled, "No, it's fine. I couldn't sleep anyway." I said, kissing her cheek softly.

She blushed as she nodded, hugging me tight.

"Real smooth Harvey." Max laughed as Eleanor and I jumped.

I blushed as I glared at Max.

"Oh leave us alone!" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

Max laughed, running away.  

Eleanor giggled as I blushed.

"My hero." She said as she hugged  me tight.

I chuckled as I held her close.

"I love you Harvey." Eleanor whispered.

I was a little shocked. Sure we were best friends but I've always had a crush on her. I didn't expect for her to like me back.

"I...love you too Eleanor." I whispered back.

I saw her eyes slowly close.

I had to make this quick.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"I'd...love to..." She whispered as she slowly fell asleep in my arms.

I held her closer as I laid down with her.

I soon fell asleep myself.

Little did I know, Max took a picture of us.

The next morning when he showed me the picture, I nearly smacked him in the face.

Brotherly love, am I right?

A/N- HEY GUYS! Sorry for my slow updates, as I always say in all my updates. DO NOT WORRY! I WOULD NEVER FORGET ANY OF YOU GUYS WHO REQUESTED! I make sure to keep a list of the imagine requests I receive. ALSO! I am going to read through my new book once more before I publish it. Please give me feedback on it! I want to know what I could improve on. As always, I hoped you enjoyed and all the love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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