Harvey- Sweet Imagine

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A/N- Hey guys! This is a continuation of Yasmin's life with Harvey!!! Her family life basically. They are older in this like around, maybe, mid twenties to early thirties? I know they are YOUNG so that's why this is when they are older! I hope you enjoy and all the love!!!! NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Yasmin's P.O.V*

So, a lot has happened after Harvey and I got married! I remember the night I found out I was pregnant.


(This will be in her P.O.V. still!)

I was in the kitchen, looking at my glass of water.

"Hey, you ok?" I jumped as I heard Max's wife come in.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"You could tell me anything! You know that." She said, smiling as she hugged me tight.

She was like my sister. 

Someone I could tell everything to.

"I'm just nervous! Nervous that Harvey will be upset that I'm pregnant." I said, scared.

I brought it up here and there about kids to him, but I was always nervous by what Harvey would say.

"Honey, it will be ok! Harvey loves you." Max's wife said.

"My brother would never hurt you in any way either. I know Harvey." I hear Max say as he walked in with their first son, Luke.

I smiled and thanked both Max and his wife.

"I think you should announce it now. Everyone is in the living room." Max said smiling as his wife smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled, all of us walking inside.

I got to the front where everyone can see me.

"Guys! Yasmin has something to say!" Max shouted a bit as everyone brought their attention to me.

I coughed nervously before saying, "Harvey, can you come up here?"

Harvey smiled and walked up to me, kissing my cheek.

"Yeah?" He said.

I then whispered to him, "I'm pregnant."

He looked at me shocked.

"WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!!" Harvey shouted, happily I could tell.

Everyone gasped and congratulated us.

After the big party we threw, and Max and Harvey cleaning the house up, Harvey and I sat back in bed, watching some TV.

"I'm so happy Yasmin." Harvey said, hugging me tight as he rested his hand on my stomach.

"I am too. Let's think of some names real quick!" I said, planning ahead.

Harvey chuckled and said, "What about...Christopher for a boy?" 

I smiled and nodded.

"For a girl, Ana." I smiled as I looked up at Harvey.

"Perfect." Harvey whispered as he kissed me.

*End Of Flashback*

I still remember that party like it was yesterday.

I remember the times we went to the doctor for our monthly ultrasound.

My bump got bigger and bigger!

Seemed too big for ONE baby though.


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