Max - Sweet Imagine

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Requested by:  @Jaeleekristinezeh

*Jaelee's P.O.V*

I was taking a stroll through the park.

It was such a beautiful day.

I found a spot under this tree and I took a seat.

I turn on some music, take out a book, and just relax in the cool breeze.

Of course, being at a park, there were guys.

One of them did look pretty cute but he would never notice me.

I sigh mentally and go back to my book.

About a couple minutes later, a soccer ball lands right on top of my book.

"I'm so sorry!" The British boy calls out as he runs over to us.

I stand up, ball in hand.

"It's fine." I said, smiling as I hand over the ball.

"Thank you. Again, I'm so sorry. My name is Max." He said, extending his hand out which I shook.

"My name is Jaelee." I said, smiling.

"You're new here? Right? I've never seen you around." He asks.

Before I could answer, a guy who looked just like him came up to us.

"Max? We've been calling you! Hand over the ball!" This guy said.

Must've been his twin.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. Here." He said, handing over the ball.

"Oh, hello." The guy said, politely.

"Hi." I said, smiling.

"This is Jaelee. Jaelee, this is my twin, Harvey." Max introduced us.

"Older than him by two minutes." Harvey said proudly, making me laugh.

"It's only two minutes!" Max whined.

Harvey laughed and went back to their friends to play soccer.

"What school are you going to?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but I know I'll have to wear a uniform." I groaned, earning a laugh from Max.

"Harvey and I wear uniforms too. You should come over to our house to hang out sometime." Max offered.

I smiled, nodding.

*Beep Beep*

"I got to go

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"I got to go." I said, sighing.

I didn't want to leave Max.

What if we never saw each other ever again?

"I can walk with you. If you don't mind." Max suggested.

I smiled and took his offer.

I showed him the address and he had this big smile on his face.

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