Max- Fight Imagine

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Thank you arletdominguez24 for this request!!!! This is my second fight request! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR NOTE AT THE END! IT'S ABOUT THOSE FANFICS I AM TELLING YOU GUYS ABOUT! I hope you enjoy and now.....ONTO THE STORY!!!!!!!

*Arlet's P.O.V*

I decided to go surprise Max since I just got back from vacation.

I knocked on the door and see Harvey, but...he had a shocked look on his face.

"Arlet..."He whispered.

"Harvey, you alright?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Um yeah! Want to come inside?" He asked, going back to his normal self.

I nod and smile.

"Is Max home? I wanted to surprise him!" I said, really excited to see my boyfriend of two years.

Harvey nods slowly.

"Harvey, seriously, is there something wrong?" I asked, getting annoyed.

He sighs but shakes his head, 'no'.

"Harvey, I'm going to go see Max now..." I said, kind of skeptical.

I go up there and when I open the door...I see my boyfriend kissing a freaking girl on his bed...

"ARLET! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Max said, as he pushed the girl away from him. Harvey running in.

"Harvey! You tried covering up for Max?! How could you! I thought we were friends!? I guess NOT HUH! MAX! 2 YEARS OF A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP DOWN THE DRAIN! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN MAX! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! I GUESS NOT! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT!" I yelled as I ran out.

"ARLET! NO NO NO! STOP!" Max begged as he ran out for me.

I sprinted down the street, going straight to the park where I have my secret hideout.

I go here whenever Max and I fought, when I need some space, or just when I felt like it.

Not even Max knows about this secret hideout I have...

I ran and ran...





I come to a stop when I reach the park. I turn around and see, luckily, Max didn't follow.

I slowly walk to the park, and I couldn't even get to my hideout...I just dropped to my knees, sobbing.

" could you Max?" I whispered.

"I thought we had something special." I said, sobbing harder.

I pick myself up and I go to my hideout, which was in a tree.

Weird I know but it was like a small tree house. The leaves cover up all of the house so you can't even see it.

I get in the small house and I just go to sleep. My mom and dad were out for a couple of weeks for a business trip. That's why I'm at Max and Harvey's house. I didn't want to bother them though.






*Max's P.O.V*

I chase after Arlet until I had to stop.

I couldn't breathe AT ALL.

"MAX!" I hear Harvey shout out.

"" I said, panting hard.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now