Max - Fight Imagine

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*Avia's P.O.V*

Max and I got to our hotel room finally after a long flight.

Harvey, Max and I were all sharing one room. All our families in their own rooms.

Max and I are sharing a bed while Harvey gets his own.

We were here in L.A. for a meet and greet! I was so excited! 

"You ready babe?" I asked him, smiling.

"Uh sure." He said, on his phone and smiling.

I felt a pang of hurt but I brushed it off.

We soon walked to meet up with some of our friends and the second we saw them, Max went over to them, leaving me alone.

"Hey girl!" Our friend, Loren, said.

"Hey!" I said, smiling as I gave her a hug, deep down I felt really hurt  that he just left me for his friends.

"You ok?" Loren asked.

I nodded, sighing a bit as I faked a smile.

"Girl, I know you are lying. Talk to me!" She said, getting worried.

"I'm fine! I swear. Just not feeling good..." I said.

Loren got worried and gave me a side hug.

"Come on! We are the only girls here soooo lets hang out!" She said, trying to lift up our spirits.

I smiled and nodded.

We all went to this restaurant and we sat down.

Loren was on my left and Max was on my right.

We all ordered and Max wasn't even paying attention to me. 

I tried holding his hand and he would shove it away. I'm pretty sure Loren saw too.

I sighed and tried to eat in peace.

Max was laughing and talking to his friends, leaving me out by myself.

Of course I have Loren, but I kind of wanted to use this trip to relax and have fun with Max.

All day, I tried holding hands or getting close to Max, he will literally PUSH me away. 

I nearly broke down earlier at the pool. Both Loren AND Harvey noticed. 

Now Harvey is legit like my brother. I can go to him for anything and everything. He was the person that brought Max and I together. 

I was lounging at the pool and I tried so hard to suck in those tears.

"Ok, enough is enough. What's wrong?" Harvey asked, concern and worry filling his voice. 

"Harv, it's nothing." I said, giving him a fake smile...which he knew all to well.

"Avia, I'm serious. Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" Harvey asked me, sternly.

I sighed and looked at Loren who nodded, signaling me that I should tell him.

I explained to Harvey everything that happened and he sighed. He looked like he was getting upset.

"Max did say how excited he was for this trip? He told me how he wanted to tell you something special. I did notice how he was pushing you away." Harvey said.

I sighed heavily and just shrugged it off.

"Guys! Time to go to bed!" Mrs.Mills called out to us. 

We all grabbed our stuff and walked back inside to our rooms.

Max, Harvey and I walked to our room. I took my shower first, then Max, and lastly Harvey. While Harvey was taking his shower, Max came over to me and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek.

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