Max- Fight Imagine

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Thank you Music_FanForever for this imagine request! This is my FIRST fight imagine! I can take ANY type of request! Hope you enjoy!!! NOW ONTO THE STORY!!!!!

*Merlijn's P.O.V*

I woke up to a knock on my door and as I got up, I could see my mom walk in. 

"Sweetie! Get ready because someone is coming here to visit you for a bit." She said as she opened up the curtains.

"Ok ok! Who is coming over?" I ask as I get up and go straight my closet.

"It's a surprise so hurry up!" My mom chuckles as she closes my door.

I laugh a little and go through my closet, noticing that one of Max's hoodies was still in my closet from a couple days ago.

I take that out, also getting some skinny jeans, and a t-shirt to wear. 

I go straight to the bathroom and do my normal routine.

Once I was done I go downstairs to eat.

"Honey, is that Max's hoodie you're wearing?" My mom asks as she hands me a bowl of cereal.

I nod as she shakes her head, laughing.

"You two." She sighs as she makes some breakfast for herself.






*Knock Knock Knock*

"Sweetie can you open the door!" My mom calls from the kitchen, she was on the phone as well.

I sigh and get up, hoping it was Max instead of that surprise visitor.

I open up and see someone I haven't seen in AGES.

"Hey Merlijn. Remember me?" My cousin, Dylan, said.

I couldn't speak, but all I did was hug him tight.

"I missed you Dylan!!!" I gushed, not letting go.

"Haha! At least you remembered me." He laughed as he hugged me back.

He then lets go and smells my hoodie I was wearing...well...more like Max's hoodie I was wearing.

"Um, is this a boy's jacket?" He asks, smirking as he looks at the hoodie.

I blush and nod slowly.

"Oooooh. Someone's got a boyfriend! What's his name, address, and social security num-" I cut him off by punching his arm.

"Shut up Dylan! His name is Max. You'll maybe meet him eventually." I said as I brought him up to my room.


I look at my phone and see Max texted me.

*Convo With Max*

*Convo With Max*

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