Max - Fight Imagine

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 Thank you @TanyaTrehan for requesting!!! THIS DOES TALK ABOUT SUICIDE! IF YOU ARE EASILY AFFECTED BY SUICIDE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, DO NOT READ! Well anyways, onto the story!

*Tanya's P.O.V*

I was sitting in my room, just scrolling through social media.

Max and I were meant to hang out today but he said he was busy.

I then got a text from my guy friend.

(My text messaging app wasn't working...AGAIN!)

H- Him 


H- Hey Tanya! I'm boreeed. Wanna hang out?

T- Sure! I'm not doing anything today so why not.

H- Ok! I'll pick you up at your house in about half an hour. Sound cool?

T-Yeah! I'll see you soon :)

H- See you soon ;)

*End Of Convo*

I put my phone down and decided to go take a shower.

*Max's P.O.V*

Harvey and I got done recording one of our latest songs and I FINALLY had time to hang out with Tanya.

I said my goodbyes and walked to her house.

I got to her house and knocked on the door.

"Hello sweetie! Tanya is taking a shower right now." Her mom said as she greeted me, letting me inside.

I nodded and thanked her, giving her a warm smile.

I walked over to her room and sat down on her bed, waiting for her.


I looked at her phone and saw some guy texted her.

I know I shouldn't be looking around her phone but I was curious about who was texting her.

I opened up the message, since we did tell each other our passwords.

H- Him

H- Hey! Ready to go? ;)

My jaw clenched when I read that. AND WITH THAT EMOJI?! 

I trusted Tanya! She actually decided to cheat  on me!

I soon heard the door open and Tanya walks in, confused.

"Who is this guy who texted you?" I asked, about to punch a wall as I stood right in front of her.

*Tanya's P.O.V*

I bit my lip as I saw Max with my phone.

What he doesn't know is that my friend, has a girlfriend who happens to be my best friend! Him and I are close like SIBLINGS, not like that!

Plus I was even thinking about bringing her along with us too since she is my best friend and we haven't talked in a while.

"ANSWER ME! WHO IS THIS?!" Max shouted.

I flinched as I stepped back a little.

"'s not what you think..." I whispered.

Real persuasive there Tanya...

Max looked FURIOUS.

He read out the message, "Hey! Ready to go? WINKY FACE?! SO YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME?!' 

I grabbed my phone and noticed he was reading my conversation with my friend.

"N-no! I would ne-" I was cut off by Max.

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