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Hey guys! Long time no see huh? I am so sorry...but don't worry!

For the time I was gone...I'm going to be straight up honest.

I had no passion to write.

It took me a while to get back up and type for you guys again! 

I was just so stressed with the stories I was going to write for you guys and my imagine/preference books.

Thing was, I was thinking I shouldn't write those fanfictions for Max and Harvey anymore. DO NOT WORRY! I WILL STILL BE WRITING THIS BOOK. Let me explain more!

I plan on writing STRICTLY imagine/preference books.

Reason for that is because I am BAD at writing actual books. I either go too fast and it would be short or it would just not have any plot, like in my very first book called Magcon Life. 

It was really bad.

Is that okay with you guys? 

Also, for all those who have read my 5sos/1D book, I may or may not continue that book. I STILL LOVE 5SOS AND 1D THOUGH! XD 

Well, that is my first announcement!

My second announcement is WE HIT 28K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!

Third announcement is I will be writing a brand new imagine/preference book!

Remember that time I asked you guys about The Outsiders and stuff?

Well, I will be writing a book called Book Of Imagines (60s-80s)!

Yes! A brand new book! It would include:

-The Outsiders (80s) AND the actors themselves!

-The Beatles (60s)

-Ferris Bueller (I believe the 80s) and POSSIBLY Matthew Broderick himself!

Those are all I have since I now a lot about them!

I may include others. Someone did suggest Stand By Me and Toy Soldiers. Thing is, I never seen those movies before! If you want, you can give me brief or even full descriptions on the characters you want me to put in the book. I will watch the movies when I get the chance to! I may also even add in The Breakfast Club.



Okay so in one of my chapters, someone had suggested I should do more imagines with just Y/N.

Here is what I plan on doing or think about doing at least.

RIGHT after I post this I will post my request I typed up for Maryana, I will then write an imagine with just Y/N! I know in my first few chapters they were kind of like preferences since back then I was still new with the whole imagines and preferences, so it will be like this:

Request....Y/N Imagine....Request...and so on.

You can give me suggestions for Y/N type of imagines if you want to as well!

That's all for now! I HOPED YOU GUYS ENJOYED AND ALL THE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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