Harvey- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you snowssnoflake for requesting this imagine! Just to let you guys know, if you want an imagine, you need to answer the following!!!

-What do you want to happen? Meaning do you want a sweet or fight? Some examples are anniversary, date night, etc. Could be anything!

-Would you like me to use your name or use Y/N?

I need those to be answered for your imagine request so I can make it special for you guys!!!

NOW ONTO THE STORY!!! (I say that a lot don't I? XD)

*Yasmine's P.O.V* 

I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy.

I look at it and see it's Harvey.

I laugh a little and try my best to look at my phone that was BRIGHT. I sigh and think to myself, "He had to text me at one in the morning."

It was our one year anniversary!

It was our one year anniversary!

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I laugh and text back...

I sigh and stare up at the ceiling

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I sigh and stare up at the ceiling...

Harvey is the best. He truly cares about me. When we first met, he was so awkward and cute. I chuckled at the thought of Harvey when we first met.


(Third person)

Yasmine was at the park, reading a book as she sat on the bench. Looking around at the beautiful scenery. 

She looked back at her book until a little girl came up to her, crying.

"Oh my goodness! Are you ok?" She asks, putting down her book and giving all her attention to the little girl.

"N-no! I can't find my older brother!" She sobs.

"Tilly! Tilly!" A guy calls out.

A guy with hazel colored eyes and light brown hair came over to Yasmine and the little girl.

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