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( you are not my daughter anymore ! )

I rubbed my neck in pain, still feeling the effects of last nights match against Natalya.
I was a hard fought match. I respect Natalya but sadly all her respect for me, was lost ever since my father started helping me win my matches.

Oh the infamous Ric Flair, the dirtiest player in the book, is now expecting the same for me.
For I to turn out exactly like him.

I don't want to be nothing like him.

For awhile now I have been wanting to be on my own. Fight my own battles without my father holding onto Sasha Banks leg or something to help me win a title.
I don't want live another legacy,
I want to live my own.

This title is probably the most important thing to me, besides my little brother. I dreamt about being the WWE woman's champion, ever since I was a little girl. My story doesn't really touch other's like Sasha since I'm a heel.

There's perks about being born into this business, but being Ric Flair's daughter sucked. Don't get me wromg, I love my father. I really do. I just don't like to be told how to act. Having someone cheat for me. Having someone kiss the feet that a McMahon walks on just for me to have a match.

Last night I wanted to prove something to other's. My mission is to prove to everyone that I can put on incredible matches and I can be on top. That mission
fails every time my father is in that ring with me.

I put all my hair to the side and take a deep breath. I have been thinking this over alot. What I'm gonna do could be a mistake. Or it can not. There is no telling how this is going to be played out.

There was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door, reveling my father.

"Charlotte honey! How are you?" He asked touching my shoulders.

I smile at the proud man. Sometimes my father could be really caring towards me. "I'm good dad, how are you?" But that caring man dissappear right as soon as you see him.

"Well I will be over joyed as soon as we show the WWE universe just how great we are." My smile fades.


"Now Char, put you're pretty little smile on you're face and let's go out to the ring." He laces his arm with mine and we walk towards the gorilla.

I have always been able to fake my emotions. I was quite good at it. It was simple as putting on a mask. I was faking not being nervous and scared. I wanted so desperately to pee my pants,run off and hide.

I am strong. But when it comes to my father, I am weak. My walls of confidence just get knocked down by him.

"Make way for the queen of wwe!" My father exclaimed cheerfully at every superstar that we past. They would give me annoyed looks or they would just roll their eyes.

Everyone thinks I'm stuck up and don't care about anyone about myself. I hear them talk bad about my father and I. I usually leave before I freak out on them. That will all change.

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