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( i will not back down ! )

I wait patiently in Gorilla as Sasha walks towards the ring with a mic in her hand and the title on her shoulder. The sight of her with that precious championship, sickens me. I balled my fists. I wanted so badly to run after her and bang her head against the floor till she passes out, but I need to be patient. I will get my chance for revenge. Soon I hope.

Half of the crowd still root for the boss, but the other half just give her boos. She the turned her back on them. Justice must be served.
"Well, well, well, look who did it. Who beat the infamous Charlotte Flair to get this championship." She says smugly. Sasha was shocked when she heard boos. Sasha Banks never get boos. But times are changing Sasha.

"Oh shut up. I know you guys are butt hurt, but I did what I needed to do. I made amends with the greatest wrestler of all time. We are just a step closer to getting what we want." She spoke with bitterness in her voice. She was showing off a different side of Sasha Banks, and I don't think much people like.
"I made Charlotte tap out. I proved to her that she was NOT unstoppable. She can be put to rest. She is truly nothing with out her mask." The crowd started calling her a sellout. Sasha simply put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "Go ahead, call me a Sellout! See if I care! But just to warn all of you, I am the new Queen now! All hail Queen Sasha."

I had heard enough. I got up angerly and walked out of the curtains with my music ringing behind me. I walked with my chin up and my red robe falling behind me. I grab a mic and walk up the steel steps. My eyes never leave Sasha.
"You horrible, liar, cheater, ungreatful woman do not deserve to be called champion." I say looking straight into Sasha's eyes. I noticed it bothered her, as she shifts her feet uncomfortably. "You made a deal with a devil. You sold you're soul for something you shouldn't be holding around you're shoulder. How dare you be so disrespectful."

"I can do whatever I want. Who are you to tell what I am. Charlotte you are such a hypocrite. A month ago you were out here insulting everyone in that locker room and cheating. You are just jealous."

I looked at her crazy. "Jealous of you?"
"Yes! You have always been jealous of me. Ever since we were in NXT together. Ever since I won that NXT championship from you, you been jea-"

"I was jealous? Sasha you were jealous of how successful I was. You didn't want me to grow. You didn't support anyone but yourself. You were self-"

"Don't interrupt me! Those are all lies. The only thing that comes out of you're mouth is lies. All lies I tell you. You knew I was better than you. That's why you used you're little daddy for help. You knew you couldn't get anywhere on you own. I can tell by the look on you're face its true." I stared down at her heated. I was done with her petty attitude.

"You know Sasha we might not be the same but we want the same thing." I point to the red and white championship, "The Woman's championship. I am out to reclaim it again and I will not back down."

We stared at each other with envy and determination. Half of the crowd was cheering Sasha and Charlotte. They were torn. I was torn too. Between what is good for me and what is good for others.

Then a snake like voice spoke around the arena.

"Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet." Chris Jericho said while walking down the ramp. The moved crowd broke out into chuckles. I even wanted to crack a smile myself. "Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet." He finally walked up the steel steps and entered the ring coming face to face with Sasha and I.
"Shut up!"

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