I love you too.

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Daddy Issues/The Neighborhood

In all my wrestling career I would of never expect to be precipitating in a match so deadly as this one. The steel cell was made for a reason; it was made for pain. An Hell in a Cell match could either make your career or completely destroy you. I don't know if the odds are in my favor for this evening, I'm praying they are.

If I was under enough pressure, one of the producers came and told me personally that my match will be the main event. The first time in WWE history that woman will main event a paper view. I don't know if its a pleasing or a curse.

I had my head against Roman's chest while we wait in my locker room. The memories of these past months flashed through my head.
It was hard to believe that just four or so months ago that I had my head far from Earth. Am I thankful that I don't have Ric on my side? Yes and no.

Yes because I would never met or fell in love with Roman. I've said it a hundred of times but I will say it again, Roman Reigns is my everything.

No because no matter how bad those things Ric have done to me in the past, I will always be his daughter. Whether he likes it or not.

I wonder what he is thinking at this very moment. Is he nervous and scared for me to enter this one trip to Hell? Or dose he have a devilish smirk on his face while his bones tingle with the thought of me getting hurt?
Unfortunately I can't read minds.

There wasn't that much talking going between Roman and I. We didn't need to say much; our actions spoke louder than words.

His index finger traced the edge of my red bottoms. Red for fire. Fire for flames. Flames for Hell.

His other hand ran through my blonde locks. He was my safety for the next thirty minutes, thirty minutes before I need to go out there and fight.

His confronting arms was all I needed now. Being in his arms was my medicine. Being in his arms kept me from going insane. Being his arms just made me sit still.

I felt nerve bundling at the pit of my stomach. I knew I was ready but I didn't feel ready. Did I train enough? Was I really enough? I guess I'll find out when I'm out there.

I wonder if Sasha is feeling this way. Is she really nervous to the point she is gonna puke? Or is she just plain confident?

My mind drifts off. I become completely blank. The only thing I can feel is Roman's fingers on my side and his hand running through my hair.

Its funny how you never thought you would be in a certain situation. I always thought my life was just going to be wrestling. Being alone my whole life, never finding someone. Never finding a purpose actually. Then everything all changed.

I wanted to stop myself from thinking. Thinking was a dangerous game. Thinking lead you to a spot in your head you didn't want to be.

I was shook out my daydream by Roman. He kissed me softly of my cheek, "It's time for you to go."

My heart sunk into my stomach. It was time for me to go for my match. It was all leading up to this match. I guess fate would tell what will happen. That's all I'm relying on.

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