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( it's like the whole world stops and stares at you're golden smile . )

I moan in delight at the taste of my cotton candy ice cream. Roman and I walked through the streets of Green Texas enjoying a nice sunny day.

"I still can't believe you got a huge tube full of ice cream." Roman says shaking his head.

I shrug, "What can I say? I have a sweet tooth." It was one of those days where I couldn't stop smiling. Maybe being in the presence of the King of the empire made me happy. It was a weird feeling I got whenever I was around Roman. I didn't know if it was my heart about to drop from my chest or if its all the sugar running through my veins.

Roman grabbed my hand and pulled me to a wooden bench. I tucked my legs under me and leaned against Roman. I have sure gotten comfortable with Roman. This was my first real friend in a long time.

"What are you thinking of?" I ask the beautiful man next to me.

He looks at me and smirks, "About the sugar rush you're going to get later." I laugh imaging my six year old self bouncing up and down from all the sugar I had consume.

"Oh please I hardly never get sugar rushes."

"Never say never."

I groan, "Great you got that stupid 2012 Justin Bieber song stuck in my head." I say with a smile.

"Do that agian."

I look at him confused, "Do what again?"



"It's like the whole world stops and stares at you're golden smile."

I look down blushing wildly. Some of my blonde locks cover my face.
Roman scoots closer to me, "I'm sorry, Did I just make Charlotte Flair blush?"

"Maybe." I mumble.

"Oh my gosh! The brave and wonderful Charlotte was just flattered by my complement!"

I slap his chest playfully, laughing along with him. "Stop! You're so embarrassing." I exclaim.

Roman wraps his large arms around me, catching me off guard. I was tense at first but soon I relaxed into his hold. I could get used to this.

"Please smile more, the world needs to see beauty more." Roman said huskily into my ear.

One of my famous smiles grew yet upon my face. "Okay." I said.

Roman laughed and kissed my cheek. I stood frozen, not knowimg how to breathe. Gosh I feel if I'm a silly middle school girl.

We sat there looking at all the funny things life showed us. My spirt was up lifted, Roman did not take his arms off around me. I loved ever minute of it. I loved the feeling in my stomach of having feelings for someone.


Hello everyone! Sorry for yet another shitty chapter, it's just fillers. I just wanted to show more of Roman's and Charlotte's relationship and how it's going.

I'll try to write better next time. Also just a quick reminded,

I'm taking this little thing between the two of them slow, so please please please don't rush me into things. I'm just trying to make this book good and easy as possible😊

Stay strong

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