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( go ahead and cry little girl . )

The woman's locker room is a very interesting place. It's full of gossip and bottles of cheap hair spray. I never really cared for all the rumors. I never been the face of attention, but tonight is is different. I was the talked of the locker room. I heard whispers of me being a bad daughter and I should of never abandon my father like that. Some thought it was a good thing to put my father back in his place. Other whispers were about Roman. Everyone found it weird for him to go out to the ring and defend me.

"Sasha you look great in you're new ring gear!" Bayley exclaimed. I don't even know why Bayley is here. She didn't get drafted to Raw, she is still in NXT. But of course she needs to follow her big sister, Sasha Banks.

Sasha admired herself in the mirror. "Of course I look good. I think Roman will like it since we been talking a lot lately." She looked up and locked eyes with me. She smirked at me as I just rolled my eyes.
Sasha has always been jealous of me. It has always been that way. She said she was my friend, but she wasn't. When I was going through my divorce, she didn't care. She never cared about me. All she ever cared about was being better than me. God I feel like I am in high school all over agian.

I scoff and grab my championship. I couldn't stand the two. I walked out of the locker room and to the television room where everyone is here to watch Stephanie McMahon announce the new Raw GM.
I could honestly care less who is the new GM, as long as they don't book me terribly.

Stephanie's music hit and she walked out like she was a million bucks (Which she is)

"As you all know, Mick Foley had to abandon his place as GM due to some medical issues. So that means I had to find a replacement. I was looking for somebody who has been in the ring before. Who knows this place in the back of their minds. Who still has the passion for this company everyday of their lives. I introduce to you, the new Raw general manager, Ric Flair!"

My eyes widen as my own father's name being called. No no no no no. This can't be happening. He can not be the new GM. He is going to make my career a living hell.
He is out to ruin me. Trust me he is.

Ric walks done with a pep in his step and a big shinning smile on his face. The crowd has fixed emotions. Some cheer, some boo, and we'll some are just neutral.

He grabs a mic from one of the tech guys and rises his arms. "Ah it is such an honor to be the new Raw general manager!" He pauses and shakes Stephanie's hand. "Thank you so much for this opportunity. You will not regret putting me in charge."

Superstars stare at me. They know I am going to go through hell. When did Stephanie ask him to be the new GM? He can't even pop popcorn without making a mess! How is he going to make outstanding matches?!

"Now ladies and gentlemen you are in for a treat tonight. We will start out the match with a five star match between former best friends, Sami Zyan and Kevin Owens. A fatal four way for the raw tag team titles between the New Day, Enzo and Cass, the Bullet club, and the team of Cesaro and Shemus. And for our main event, it will be Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte for the raw woman's title!"

I take a deep breath. He is purposely doing this. Fine if he wants me for his main event, he is going to get it.

Ric smiles devilishly into the camera. He knows I'm watching. He is taunting me, trying to get under my skin.
I just hope he knows, I am not going done with out a

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