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( torn, weak, talentless, woman . )

This is my last chance. My last chance to reclaim the championship that was taken out of my grasp not too long ago. My stomach was bouncing with butterflies. Everywhere I went, I was hot. The atmosphere on paperviews are a lot different from house shows or live shows. Edginess everywhere you step. If you're on the card for a certain paper view you should feel overjoyed, but you should also take all the risks you can. Its a matter of time till you're not on the next paperview.

Luckily for me, I have been on every single paper view since I have debut onto the main roster. Although I am undefeated in every one of those paperviews, tonight is different. I have two great forces against me. (Three if you count Chris, but he is irrelevant.)

I snap out of my thoughts by the most annoying sound in the universe; Sasha Bank's laugh. I spot her, Chris, and him walking down the hallway together. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Why is him talking to them? There's probably a trick up his sleave. There is always a trick up his sleave. He has that glint of mischief in his brown eyes.

"Gonna bring back number nineteen?" Roman asks running over to me.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "Hopefully." He stands in front of the bench that I am sitting on and places his hands on either side of my thighs.

"You don't seem as confident as you usually are."

I slump my head against the plain white wall. "Beacuse I'm not."

He frowns. He has his eyebrows scrunch up together. With out thinking, I place my two fingers on his eyebrows and smooth them out. He stares at me holding his breath. "You're going to get wrinkles if you keep doing that, plus you look like a angry teddy bear."

"Ugh don't call me that! I'm suppose to be mean and fearful."

"I said angry teddy bear though."

"Scoot, make room for me." He orders me.

"I don't want to be seen with you." Roman stares at me with his mouth wide open, making me laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I say with a smile. I scoot over and pat the space next to me. "Take a seat sir."

He rolls his eyes and falls next to me. I yawn and place my head on his chest and place my feet on his lap. "How much sleep did you get last night?" He asks.

"Um probably about three hours. I dunno, I'm too tired to count."

"What was keeping you up?" He asks while throwing a arm around my shoulder.

"My match." I say truthfully.

"Char you got this."

"I know I do....its just I'm worried about any distractions."

"As in a distractions, you mean you're dad?"

"Well yes but I don't know. Something just seems fishy with Sasha Banks."

He runs his other hand through his jet black hair. "Tell me about it."

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