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( i saw the devil in my sleep . )

The crowd of sick twisted souls surrounded me. Their horrible cheers and taunts hurts my ear. I get push out of the ring to be almost squash by the cage of nails. A woman with bright pink hair and no eyes, push me out of the way and pounced on me, punching me left and right.

Her fists were made out of iron, I couldn't help scream in pain and fear. I was scared she would cut me badly and leave me to bleed to death. She banged my head against the cold hard floor. The Devil's assistants stand by ring side and cheer on the madness that is happening to me.

I kick the woman's skeleton legs, making her lose her balance. At this point I don't care about the golden crown, I just cared about getting away.

I stood up and slapped her hard, making blood run down the side of her cut gruesome plastered smile. I looked around, I didn't know where to go. Something just told me to start climbing the cage. So I did.

My fingertips gripped the burning iron. I was bleeding from everywhere. The bastard souls screamed and cheered for me to fall down from the cage. I kept telling myself not to look down but of course what do I do? I look down. The ground was so far from me. A lump in my throat settle; My heart was beating; My legs were shaking. I tried my hardest to keep a tight grip on the cage.

The woman climbed up the cage to where I was at. She punched me in my cheek, my grip on the cage loosen. I knew I had to fight. I threw a hard punch at her, but nothing happened. She grabbed the back of my head and slammed it against the cage. The nails of the cage burned my skin. Tears flooded my eyes. I tried to swing at her but I missed.

All of a sudden she was under me. Next thing I knew, I was powerbomb into a table full of wires and glass. I tried to scream but only blood cane out of my mouth. Sweat ran through the back of my neck. The pink haired lady laughed in delight. Then someone appeared.

The sight of him made me want to die. He was a hideous sight. Fear ran through my veins. My lip was quivering. My body was shaking. I wanted to get up and run away but I couldn't.

In his hands, was the beautiful golden crown. He walked slowly over to me, I wanted so badly to move but I was frozen in place.

He bent down to my fragile torn body and put the crown to my cheek, pulling it down my face. My cheek started burning, my flesh was getting eaten alive. Tears ran down my bruised cheeks, stinging the cuts from the golden crown. How could something so beautiful and delicate be full of poison and pain?
He whisped words to me but I couldn't make it out due to my screams of pain. I thrash around, shaking heavily.


I woke up in a pool of sweat, stained tears on my cheeks, my matted hair, and in the arms of Roman Regins.
My hands reach up to my cheek, checking for blood; luckily there was no blood.
My chest rapidly went up and down, my breaths were out of control.
"Char," Roman spoke softly, "Are you okay?"

I whipped my head to find his concern eyes staring into my frighten ones.
"Where is he? Did he go? I just saw him! Roman did you see him? We need to get away right now! We aren't safe here!" I spoke all crazy.

Roman looked at me confused and yet worried. "Who did you see?"

Tears swelled back into my eyes, threating to fall. My hands start shaking. I get a unsteady feeling in the pit of my stomach. The though of his terrible face made me want to hide.

"I saw the devil in my sleep."

It was silent for a moment in the room. Roman stared at me with a worried expression. I had finally claimed down from my horrible dream.

"Charlotte it was all just a dream. No one is here to hurt you."

"And if there is?"

Roman grabbed both of my cheeks in his warm hands.
"I'll protect you from them."

That was the most assuring thing I could here right now. I believe he will protect me. I wanted him too.

I nod my head, "Okay.....I trust you."

Roman placed his warm lips onto my forehead giving me a tender kiss. The feeling makes me want to melt into him.

"Let's go back to bed."

I lay back down and Roman wraps his arms around me, making me lay my head on his chest.

"Get some sleep, I'all fight off the bad dreams." He says.
I look up at him.

"With what?"

"With my bare hands....duh." I smile wide and closed my eyes. The sent of Roman wraps around me like a warm blanket.

I was soon off into a dreamless slumber with Roman holding me close.


So the first part of the chapter was Charlotte's nightmare. The pink hair lady was Sasha, the devil that Charlotte saw was Ric, and the golden crown was of course the woman's championship. Just to let you know that this chapter will be very important in a following chapter, so keep on reading!

Stay strong

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