Wassup love birds!

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The Mighty Fall/ Fall out Boy

"Okay one more and your done for the day, alright?"

"Nah two more."

"One more."

"I think two would be great."



"One more."

"No two more."

"No one more."

"Pretty please with cherries on top?" I whined like a little kid.

Roman sighed in defeat and nodded his head. "Fine just two more and your completely done for the day."


I slowly brought my legs up and let them bounce off of Romans hands. I did the same routine again, a little slower this time. Roman and I have been working out in the hotel's gym for about two hours now. Roman keeps on making sure I don't hurt myself or something since Sunday is in two days.

"I'm done." I announced when I completed my last sit up.

"You know its kinda hard not to stare at your chest when your in this position." Roman said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes playfully and let go of Roman's ankles, sitting up.

"My eyes are up here Reigns." I say lifting up his chin to look at me. He smiles and kisses me.

"Sorry its hard not to stare at your body." Roman says against my lips.

I giggle and kissed him once more. I was suddenly happy that we were the only two in this gym.

The door of the gym suddenly bangs open and I hear heavy foot steps.

"Wassup love birds!"

Roman and I broke our kiss to find the one and only, the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose.

Roman shakes his head chuckling and walks up to Dean giving him some type of bro hug.

"My brotha!" Dean exclaims.

"Sometimes I think Dean is gay from Roman." Seth says walking next to me.

"Tell me about it." I say.

Dean sets his eyes on me and a smirk appears on his face.
"Oh hello future Mrs. Reigns." He says smugly giving the back of my hand a kiss.
I look at him confused while Roman glares at him.
Dean looks at us both, "What? Isn't that what you said over the phone Rom-"

Roman suddenly covered the lunatic's mouth and smiled at me while Dean flapped his hands around.

Bayley walked in and ran to me and hugged me.
"Hey Lee." I greeted hugging her back.

"Hi future champ." She said.

"If I win." I mumbled.

"You will win, trust me. You're more than ready." Roman said.

Dean finally broke free and wrapped his arms around both Roman and Seth. "I've seen what you did to Sasha these past weeks and you are ready. Ooh I can't wait to see you smashing her head into the cell! Woohoo!"

"Will you keep your voice down asshole." Renee says walking into the gym.

Dean's eyes lit up and he realsed Roman and Seth and ran after Renee. He engulfed her into a huge hug, nearly killing her.

"Hi!" Dean exclaimed as Renee was lifted up from her feet and twirled around. She laughter at his foolishness.

Roman then tossed me over his shoulder and began to twirl me around while Seth did that same with Bayley.

"Oh my gosh Roman!" I exclaimed watching my hair fall out of it's messy bun.

I wonder how I ended up like this, having fun and being in love.

I know for a fact that I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.


Sorry this chapter was all over the place, it was just a filler.

I couldn't help myself, I just had to add my baby Dean in it and Renee.


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