AUTHORS NOTE ( temporary ! )

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hello everyone ! it's sam here. i just wanted to write this quick authors note for you all.

I published/finished this book when I was about 13 or 14. it's been about a few years since I've written anything in this book but after a long period of time thinking this over, I have finally decided that I will be rewriting daddy issues.

what this means is that the chapters, dialogue, and anything of that sorts will be modified to my liking. for the most part the plot will remain the same as well as the active characters in this book will remain the same.

if you want to reread this newish version of the book then that will greatly be appreciated. I don't know how long it will take me to rewrite the whole book but I will get started on tonight. im currently working on new chapters for this book (a better prologue and splitting this book into parts) so please look forward to that.

with lots of love,
sam <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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