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( all your sleeves are stained red, i promise i will stop the bleeding . )

"Just make sure to ice you're shoulders through out the week. The last thing we need is for you to cause more injury to your shoulders at Cash of Champions."
The trainer told Roman. I stood next to the Samoan king patiently. I hated to admit that I was extremely worried for Roman's health.
He had quite a finisher and anyone who got hit by it would be in pain for the next 48 hours.

"Thanks Doc." Roman said. The trainer nodded his head and left the room.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Roman but mentality face palming myself.

"Well I feel if I got hit by a truck." His strength was incredible. It was something I admired about him so many years ago.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Hey you weren't the one who put me through the table. It wasn't your fault I'm hurt."
But Roman you are wrong, It is my fault he put you through a table, if only he didn't want me.

"I was just worried when I saw you crash into the table. I knew Ric had something to do with this and I want wrong. I swear once I get my hands on the old bastard I am goi-"
I was suddenly cut off by Roman cupping both of my cheeks making me look into his eyes. I felt my body frozen. I held my breath, afraid if I breathe something bad will happen to my heart.

"You are not going to do anything. I will be fine. See I'm still breathing and moving."

"Not for long."

"Look I will be okay. Getting punishment instead of you is okay with me. I would go through millions of tables so you won't be the one getting hurt."

A part of me wanted me to melt into his tattoo arms and trust him. But I couldn't. It was to risky. I didn't understand why I was acting like this. This shouldn't be happening. The feelings I was getting from him wasn't right. This is not how I should be feeling. God what was wrong with me?

"But I am getting hurt....I am getting hurt because you're getting hurt. I am suffering in this spot I am in. I feel trapped. I don't understand how I ended up here. I don't know where this all went on. You shouldn't be wasting your energy on a woman who has stupid DADDY ISSUES."

Roman stared at me with such a intense look in his eye. There was a horrible pit in my stomach. I wanted to run away from the all the memories that is holding me down.

"I am suffering. I am bleeding all over. I'm black and blue. I don't know where to start to start cleaning myself from my unholy sins." I whisper.

"All your sleeves are stained red, I promise I will stop the bleeding."

I stare at the magnificent person in front of me. I didn't understand how a pure and spectacular human bean can waste their time on me. I, Charlotte, is a waste of space and that is what I will always be.

"I will stop the suffering. You will not be black and blue agian. I will be the one to free you from your unholy sins, just let me."
I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to fall for somebody that I am not ready for. I don't want this to be the same story all over again.

As much as I wanted to pack up my things and run,
I had already fallen for a person
That was way too
Good for me.


I apologize for not updating early, I have been quite sick for the past couple of days thanks to the stupid exams.




This chapter was basically explaining how Charlotte feels about the whole situation with her feelings with Roman.


(Actually he isn't annoying in real
Life......he's mauh little ball of sunshine😊)

But I'm gonna give you guys one clue!

He has tattoos.

So go ahead and be free to comment who you think it is, what you thought of this boring chapter, and what not. I only have two days of school left then I'm off for two weeks!

-Stay Strong

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