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( dance with me ! )

I was awoken by the warm fuzzy blankets getting pulled of my sleeping body. I groan and curl into a ball.

"Wakey wakey Char." I heard Roman's deep voice says.

"Ew leave." I say.

"Come on Charlotte get up, we got a big day." He exclaims.

"Your annoying me."

Roman tugged on my foot and pulled me off of my bed. I landed hard on the ground. I winced and held my thigh.

"Remember taking a break? Well get up. We need to meet Seth and Bayley in a hour down in the lobby."
I groan and stand up. I grab what I was going to wear today from one my  of my suitcases.

"Hey Roman?" I say stoping just outside of the bathroom. "I hate you." I said jokingly with a smile.

He chuckles, "I hate you too."

I made sure to take a quick shower and do all my hygiene stuff. I put on a little bit of makeup to make me look less dead. I throw on a loose fitting grey shirt, tying a red flannel around my waist, throwing on some black ripped jeans, and my black combat boots. I throw my wavy hair into a high ponytail, leaving some small hairs in the front.

"Alright I'm ready." I declared as I walked out of the bathroom.

Roman looks up from his phone and a smile appears on his face.
"You look beautiful." He comments.

I dust myself off, "Thank you."

He reaches out for my hand, "Let's go, Seth is waiting with Bayley in the lobby."

"Char!" Bayley exclaims when she see's me. I smile and hug her back when she wraps her arms around me.
"You smell good." She comments sniffing me.

I giggle and pull away from her, "Stop that tickles."

"God Bayley you're like a bunny rabbit." Seth says.

Bayley turns around and look at him with hands on her hips.
"Well I'm gonna take that as a complement because bunnies are cute and furry. I am cute in the matter of fact so you Rollins just called me cute."

Seth rolls his eyes playfully. Roman and I look at each with a knowing smirk on our face.

After five minutes of Bayley and Seth fighting over who gets the front seat, we finally take off to where Roman is going.

"Seth stop being so emo." Bayley yells from the backset with me.

"Shut up I'm not being emo, I'm being punk rock." Seth says turing up the volume to some song by a band called Breaking Benjamin.

"What's the difference?"

"Bayley you are being so rude right now, I can't even wit you."

"Stop being so dramatic and butthurt."

"I do have quite a good butt."

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