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( reid is pathetic? no kevin, you're pathetic)

Finally the last Monday night Raw was here. I didn't have a match tonight which was okay since I needed my rest, but Roman and I did need to accompany Seth out to the ring with his match against Chris.

My body was sore and aching, I have been working my ass off these past few days. Roman told me not to but I needed to prepare. I couldn't lose this match. This match could either make me or break me and I intend for it to make me.

Seth, Roman, and I walk down the ramp staring down the outlaws. I haven't had any interaction with Kevin since I told him to stay away from me, which was five days ago. I hadn't seen one sign of Kevin. I kind of forgot he existed.

Each day Roman and I have grown closer and closer with each other. He was my other half. The air I breathe. The one thing that keeps me going. I don't know what I'all do with out him.

Roman and I stand at ring side as Chris and Seth lock up. The match goes slow and clean. Sasha and Kevin haven't tried anyt-

I was cut off from my thoughts as I get hit with a double knees. I spoke too soon.

Sasha stands over me as Kevin and Roman started exchanging punches.

"Not a chance in hell you will beat me!"

Sasha yelled hovering over me. I groan and brought my foot to kick her right in the jaw. She stumbles back and tries to close line me but I doge under her arm and grab ahold of her back. I then threw her into the steel steps.

I stand there staring at her, breathing heavily. I heard a big crash and I whip my head to the other side to see Kevin on the ground and Roman hovering over him.

I walked over to them. My eyes were settled on Kevin. No words are enough to describe how much I hate Kevin. The monster who took my innocence. The one who I gave everything to. The one who I can't help but feel revenge for.

My eyes meet Roman, my everything, the one who means the world to me. He nods his head at me. I walk over Kevin. I squat down and grab his chin roughly with my fingernails digging in his skin. His facial was emotionless but his eyes told a different story of hurt and sorrow.

"Reid is pathetic? No Kevin, you're pathetic."

I brought my hand and slapped him across the face with everything I had inside me. Every single emotion, energy, hate, and despair went into that slap. I felt a knot untangled itself. Some type of freedom flooded like me like a river.

"That was for you Reid." I whispered to myself.

You can say whatever you want to me. You can tear me down, kick me down, and push me down but you do not talk down upon on my brother. The one pure soul I knew. A boy with a dream. A dream that I'm trying to achieve.

Roman was all of a sudden hit from behind with a steel chair by Chris. My eyes widen and I felt my body move but Sasha's bony hands grabbed me from behind and kneed me in the face.

I heard the sound of the bell ringing and the shouts from the ref. But none of us listen. None of us cared. The only thing we cared about was destroying each other.

I felt the drops of blood coming from my cheek as Sasha punched me over and over again. I got a good chop on her making her back up. I brought her up to a round house kick.

Seth gave a deadly kick to the head to Chris who was struggling getting up. Roman and Kevin fought each other with all their might. Blood was on their fists. It was a war between us all.

I wanted a legacy, Roman wanted justice, and Seth wanted avenges.

Sasha wanted to destroy, Kevin wanted my soul, and Chris wanted a task.

There was a price for all those things. They just don't come free. We had to sacrifice something, and that something was our well being.

I held my shoulder in pain when Sasha made me crash into the pole. She started running at me but I was able to pick her up on my shoulders and launch her face first into the steel pole.

"Charlotte." Spoke the voice of my savior. Roman pointed to announced table that was pretty close to us. I stomp on Sasha's back with my foot and nodded at him.

Seth was a step ahead of us, he threw Chris into the side of stage and started pounding on him.

I dragged Sasha up the ramp, receiving a few hits on the way. She banged our heads together making me dizzy.
I felt her wrap her arms around my neck and before I knew it, I was pulled into the Banks statement.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you this Charlotte, but you will never beat me! You won't take my championship away from me! You won't tear me down! I am going to make you feel pain is you like it or not! You don't deserve to even be breathing!" She yelled at me viciously.

I had the enough strength to power through the submission. I was standing on my two feet with her still wrap around me.

I roughly made her fall onto her back. She winced in pain. I saw Roman setting Kevin for a powerbomb and a idea hit me.

I shoved Sasha between my legs and hostel her up onto my shoulders. Seth did the same with Chris. We all had the same intension. We all wanted to prove a point.

"Now!" Seth yelled.

In sync Sasha, Kevin, and Chris fell into the announce table making it fall apart.

I stood there staring at them. Will this be Sasha's fate on Sunday? Or will it be mine?

Roman wrapped his arms around me tightly and rested his head on top of mine.

"Just wait till Sunday and this will be all over." He said huskily into my ear.

"I hope so."

May God have mercy for these lost souls because
I won't.

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