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( in you're dreams ! )

"So you're having a thing with Roman now?"

I turn to face my ex husband who I haven't talked to in a very long time. I looked at him confused and pointed to myself. "Are you talking to me?" I ask. I was quite embarrassed to be seen by him with makeup smeared all over my cheeks and puffy eyes.

He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me. "Who else would I be talking to?"

"What do you mean I'm having a thing with Roman?"

He shrugs. "I saw you two together out in the back while I was having a smoke."

I roll my eyes. "Didn't I tell you enough not to be smoking during work? You get all grump and sloppy." I say scunching my nose in disgust as I picture him walking around starting fights. That image haunts me.

"The same oye Ashley, always worring about me." He says cocky.

"Don't call me Ashley. I'm Charlotte. I just don't want you to lose you're job because then people will be judging me because I was the one married to you for two years."

He walked closer and placed his hand on my cheek. I right away move my head to the side. "Honey practically no one knows we were married. So what is going on between you and Roman?"

"That's none of your business."

"Oh Char, I can make it my business." He stares at me for moment then a smirk comes upon his face. "Wow I didn't know you had it in you."

"Had what in me?" I ask confused.

"I can't believe you're sleeping with Roman Regins."

I scoff. Please I'm not like that. I nearly even know Roman. I don't really care about Roman. "That isn't true."

"You don't need to hide you're desires for the Samoan."

I cross my arms over my chest. "I do not have no desires for no one. Now if you excuse me, the show ended thirty minutes ago and I want to go home."

I start to walk away but he grabs ahold of my arm, stopping me. "Remember Charlotte, you will forever belong to me. No one else will love as much as I do."

I yank my arm back from his grasp. His puppy dog like eyes bore into me.

"In you're dreams."

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