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( get up and see the sunlight ! )

I groan into my pillow when I hear a knock on my hotel door. Who would be knocking on my door. I choose to ignore it and try to go back to sleep. They eventually leave.....right?

Wrong. The person on the other side kept on knocking. "Go away!" I yelled groggy.

"Its Roman!" I bang my head against my pillow. Not him. Roman continued to keep on knocking. I cuss under my breath and threw the covers from my body. I stomp over to the door and yank it open. "What?!" I exclaimed.

Roman rolled his eyes, "Well good morning to you too."

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

He pushed past me and looked around. "I was thinking we could spend the day together."

"And I'm thinking you can leave before I make you leave." I say walking back to my bed and laying in it.

"All come on Charlotte!" He exclaim. He walked over to the curtains and pulled them open revealing the sunlight. I quickly put the covers over my head.

Roman tugged on the covers, "Come on Charlotte, get up and see the sunlight."

"No I don't want to. Now please leave. I just want to spend my day off watching Flash and being down about losing my title." Roman finally was able to get the covers off of me.

"That's sad." He commented.

"I know it is; I have a very sad life. Now can you really just leave."

He shooked his head and smiled wide. "You're going to spend the day with me. Now go get dress."

"Do I have to?" I ask silently hoping the answer is no."


I groaned and stand up. "Fine." I mumble.

Roman ploped onto my bed as I grab some clothes for the day. "Don't take so long." He said in a cheerily voice.

"Fuck you." I said mocking that cheerily.

I do all my hygiene stuff I need to do. I throw on a plain white shirt, with black ripped pants, and my black boots. I did my makeup simple since I didn't feel like doing nothing at all. I threw my greasy hair into a braid.

"There. Ready under fifteen minutes." I say walking back into the room.

"But it felt like forever." Roman exaggerated. I shake my head and grab my phone from its charger.

"Come on, let's go before I change my mind." I say. Roman got up and followed me out the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked him once we're in the elevator.

He pats the backpack on his back, "I thought we could go to the park."

"Ooh that's gonna be fun! Its gonna be so hot that I will cook like a hot dog and grass is going to be bothering me!" I say sarcastically.

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