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( only one shines through my heart,
and that one is you . )

Both Roman and I stared at Kevin, the man I used to love. Kevin still had that sick smirk on his face, oh how I wanted to smack that smirk off his face. Just him standing in front of me, made my blood boiled. What was I expecting? He wasn't going to listen to me telling him not to tell anyone about our past relationship.

Kevin chuckles and pats Roman's shoulder, "See ya later buddy." Kevin stops and looks at me. "You know where to find me when you want me."

I swallow a lump in throat as he stalks off. My dig my nails into the palms of my hands to stop them from shaking.

"Charlotte you care to explain anything?" Roman asked confused.

"I don't need to explain anything, let's leave already." I say.

Roman nods and we walk silently to his locker room to get his stuff.

The car ride was silent, I wasn't daring to speak. What do I say?
"Oh yeah Kevin, the guy who power bomb you into the announced table, is my ex husband who keeps on stalking me and won't leave me alone, but don't worry I don't have anymore feelings for him, all my feelings are to you."

As soon as we get into the room, I immediately walk to the balcony of the hotel room. I slide out a plastic chair and plop myself onto it, bringing my knees to my chest.
I feel if I was stuck in a situation that I just cannot get out of. If it seems things wasn't worse between Ric and I, now I have to deal with whatever Kevin is up to.

I felt Roman sit next to me. I am dreading whatever is coming next.
"I didn't know Kevin was you're ex husband. I normally don't like getting into other people's business, but with what happened back there, I need to know."

I sigh, I didn't want to bring Roman into this. Whatever went on is between Kevin and I, but I felt if I could tell Roman anything.

"Are you sure you want to know? It's quite a long and isn't a really interesting story." I say looking straight ahead at the dark sky.

Roman places his hand over mine, "I am sure Charlotte."

I take a deep breath, trying to think where to start. I guess its appropriate to start from the very beginning, right?

"Once upon of time my dear ole brother introduce me to one of his closest friend......."

"Ashley!" I whip my to the right, letting my straighten blonde hair fall to my back. I saw my younger brother beckoning me to come. I walked towards the direction of  my brother and a man.

I was still laughing at the joke my friend Haley told me. "This is Ashley."He told his dashing friend.
"Sis this is one of my close friends, Kevin Steen."

I felt tingles all around my stomach, Kevin was tall and muscular, he had brown hair and deep brown eyes that had me falling deep into them.

Kevin reached his hand out and I placed mine in his hand. Kevin brings my hand up to his lips and places a soft kiss. I gave his a shy smile letting some hair fall to my face, for him not to notice the faint blush on my cheeks.

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