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( it's a person who doesn't have a life . )

UNKNOWN: When are you going
To stop ignoring me?

UNKNOWN: I know you are
Getting my text messages.

UNKNOWN: You can't keep ignoring

UNKNOWN: Look I'm sorry for
What I did to Roman....

UNKNOWN: Actually no I'm not😂

UNKNOWN: If you ask me,
I would of said watching him go
Through a table was pretty funny.

I sighed and picked up my phone,
Scanning through the messages he had left me in the past hour.

Me: Just stop texting me.

UNKNOWN: Not a chance sweetheart.

UNKNOWN: you wish I was
And I hope that you're

Me: You are crazy if you
Ever think I will ever
Be yours.

UNKNOWN: I'm not crazy baby,
I just have a dream.

Just as I was about to answer him back, Roman brought over our tray that contained our food to our table. I smile at the smell of fresh made soap. Just as Roman sat down, my phone ding. I roll my eyes and groan. Will he ever go away?

"Is it still that person texting you?"
I almost spat out my bake potato soap. I picked up a napkin and pat my mouth.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Roman took a sip of his large Pepsi and looked me in my eyes. "All day you're phone has been dinging non stop. It keeps saying unknown."

I glanced at my phone seeing that he isn't too happy with me not answering his text messages.

"It's a person who doesn't have a life."

"Are you sure? Every time it beeps, you have a anxious look on your face."

I nod my head trying to convince him not to worry about me. "Oh I'm good. Anyways, how are you about you're title match against Rusev?"

Roman shrugs, "I mean I have faced him plenty of times but going into this United States championship match I am pretty confident. I just need to do what I do best and that is kick ass."
I couldn't help but smile at the last part. "How do you feel about Bayley vs. Sasha?"

I sigh, I am pretty bummed out about this title match. Its the first paper view I am not in since my debut.
"Well as much as I'm excited for Bayley, I wish it was Sasha and I again. All I want to do is to reclaim my title back."

All I want to do is to reclaim my title back, not to gain feelings for you.

"You will have a chance against Sasha.
I don't want to say this but Bayley isn't going to win.
Ric or Chris are probably going to get involved with their match."

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