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( i'm gonna beat you down till you break ! )

I have finally gotten what I wanted and that is a one on one match against Sasha. This is my last chance to prove myself for that title shot. I know in my heart that I can get the job done and win tonight; its just the distractions I'm worried about.
My music cues and I walk out of the curtains, focus on what I need to do. Game face on.

I crack my neck and walk up the apron after doing my front handspring. I don't smile with confidence anymore, they took that away from me.

Sasha walks out while her sassy music playing around. She holds up the woman's championship high up. It was the belt that we both wanted so badly; we are willing to do anything to get it, even if that means destroying anything in our path to get it.

"Hi Char!" She chirps lightly. It was that mischief in her eyes that told me a different story.

We stood facing each other ready to fight. "May I have you're arm?" The ref asks me politely. I look at him confusedly. Just then Ric's music plays through out the arena. Great what dose he want now?

"Oh dammit, I complete forgot to inform you Charlotte that you will have one of you're arms tied behind you're back while you wrestle."

I look at him completely livid. "What do you mean I'm gonna wrestle with a arm tied behind my back?" Of course no one really could hear me since I didn't have a mic.

Ric sighs, "Yes I know that you're upset about this decision, but on the bright side if you win this match, you will face Sasha at Summerslam." A cruel smirk appears upon his sinister face. "But I doubt you will win. You haven't always been one of the smart woman in this division." I will prove him wrong. "Anyways, good luck! You're going to need it."

I glare at Ric thinking about different ways that I can hurt him with my bare fists.

The ref grabbed my arm lightly and wrapped the rope around me. I bit inside of my cheek as the ichy rope was tightly wrapped around me.

"You good?" The ref asked kindly, but I wasn't in any mood for kindness.

"Hurry up and ring the bell." I growl.

When the bell rang, Sasha waisted no time tackling me to the ground. She placed her bony knee on my ribs and started punching me. I tried my best to get her off of me but its kinda hard to do that when you only have one free arm (which happens to be my bad arm)

She pulled me up onto my knee by my hair. "I'm gonna beat you till you break." She said to me harshly followed by slapping me straight across the face.

I fell back onto my back and Sasha started covering me, but I kicked out at the last second. Damn I am even more slower.

Sasha toyed with me around the ring. At one point she got me caught in the turn buckles and gave me hard kicks across my side.

As the match carried on, I grew more tired. I wanted to get pin and hurry out of the building. My patience was nearly visable.

"Huh, who's the badest?" Sasha taunted as she finished giving me both knees to my stomach. I have taken a lot of abuse from her to my stomach. I knew I was going to wake up tomorrow morning with a huge bruise somewhere around my side.

"Get over here." Sasha said pulling me back on my back after trying to crawl away. She hooked my leg and tried to pin me but I refuse to have my shoulder held down for three seconds. That's all it took. Three seconds. Three seconds for me to get pinned or to pinn Sasha but I doubt I will have a chance to do so.

I need to have a chance to fight for that title. I need my rematch. That title still has my finger prints on it. All my life greatest achievements were represented by that title. That was the only reason I lived and continue to work with this company. I had to crawl my way up the ladder. The championship was the only thing that made me happy. It was something I never wanted to let go.

I completely blindsided Sasha by kicking her right in face. I held onto the ropes tight. Sasha was flat on her butt holding her cheek. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" She exclaimed. She got up and started walking towards me.

Before she can even get close to me, I was quick on my feet and speared her with everything I had. I quickly got up and grabbed her foot. I was unsure how I was going to pull this off but I needed to try. I wrapped myself around her and placed her in the figure four. I knew this wouldn't be enough, Sasha could easily turn it around. I needed to take a chance.

I placed my hand above my head and pushed myself up into a bridge. I heard gasps and cheers. I grintted my teeth in pain. I closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain. My arm was wobbling drastically, any second it could give out on me.

It seemed like faith was on my side tonight because, Sasha tapped out weakly.

I completely gave out and fell onto the mat, exhausted. That was it. I am going to get my title shot. A chuckle left my chaped lips.

I was one step closer to regaining the woman's championship back.


Hello everyone! I hope you guys are having a happy Thanksgiving.

Sorry this chapter had so many errors and mistakes in it. My mind have just been so scattered and all over the place. I will definitely edit this chapter when I have the chance.

Stay strong

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