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(because her daddy loves me more .)

I cover my mouth as I yawned, I didn't get that much sleep tonight due to the fact I was planning how am I going to ask for a Hell in a Cell match with Sasha. It was the Raw before Clash of Champions and everyone was in a rush. It was you're last chance to make a good impression on the universe before you head into the paper view on Sunday.
Suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around my shoulders hugging me. I laugh softly, "Hello to you too Bayley."

Bayley pulls away with a smile on her face. "Sorry I'm just so cold."

"How are you?" I ask. It was honestly strange to be talking to Bayley since I hadn't in the past year.

"Well I'm nervous yet excited."

"For Sunday?" Bayley nods. "Don't worry you are going to be out standing. Just do what you do best and steal the show."

"I don't know how you did all those times you were in a paper view."

I shrug, "Well I had some type of support back then, it wasn't tell recently that I had no one. Its just all about just getting your mind ready. You need to walk in there with confidence and your head held high."

"Is it different from the paper views we had down at NXT."

I shooked my head, "Honestly no. It is just the same but the only difference is that you're on the main roster instead of NXT."

Bayley let out a breath of relief. "I feel much better now."

"Good. You just need to relax and push out all those negative vibes."

From the corner of my eye I see Sasha walking with Chris. I mentally prepare myself and silently pray that they don't notice us, but my prayers weren't answer.

"Don't look Chris, we don't look at horrible things such as a loser with daddy issues and a desperate fangirl." Sasha scoffs. Chris laughs with her.
Bayley looks down trying not to show how hurt she is. That came from a person Bayley thought was her best friend. For some reason it bothered me. I probably should of kept my mouth shut but I couldn't.

"Oh look Bayley, It's Sasha Banks! The woman who likes to cheat her way out of matches, hangs out with manwhores, and wants somebody else's father to be her own since she doesn't have one." I shot back. The smirk on Sasha's face suddenly vanished.

"You're the one to talk."

"Actually honey I do have a father but you see I don't go out and use your father for help to win my matches." I then dramatically gasped. "Oh shoot Sasha, I totally forgot. You don't have a father since he left once he saw you're hideous face."

A crowd was now gathering around. I knew I was in trouble. I probably shouldn't have said that to her but I mean she deserved it.

"You're going to get it Flair." She said walking a little bit closer to me.

"Whatever Banks. I don't know why you even bothered anymore with me. What have I even done to make you have a strong hatred for me?"

That cruel smirk came back on her lips, "I see what this."

"What is?"

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