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( will you please forgive me ? )

There was a sudden knock on the hotel door. I groan and wiggled out of Roman's confronting hold. Roman paused the movie we were watching and sat up straight. I tugged down the big shirt that belonged to Roman that I was currently wearing. When I opened the door, I saw a face of a man who I didn't want to see.

"What do you want?" I ask Kevin, placing a hand on my hip.
Kevin stood in front of me with nice clothing and a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"May I come in?" He asked politely.

"No you may not." I said.

"Charlotte who is at the door?" Roman asked walking up to me.

"Kevin. He was actually just gonna leave." I said not breaking eye contact with the prizefighter.

"Charlotte can I please talk to you," He glanced at Roman. "Alone."

I shook my head. I didn't care for what he had to say, I just wanted him to leave so I can go back with Roman.

"No. If you need to say something to me, you can say it now. Otherwise you can leave." Kevin clenched his jaw and glared at Roman, who had an emotionless stare on his face.

"Fine. Ashley I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I should of never hurt you. I was such an idiot to lose what was the best thing that had ever happened to me. You are my dream girl. You are the light of my life. You make me so happy. You are just a wonderful person. I am in love with you and I will always be in love with you." He held out the bouquet of roses out for me. I slowly took them out of his hands.

This was so strange for Kevin to do. He was never really this type of guy who would clean up nicely and come apologize. He always thought he was right. But here he is apologizing to me.

"Kevin this is.....sweet." I said still in shook. I felt Roman stiffen up next to me.

"Will you please forgive me?"

Kevin was somebody special to me. He always managed to put a smile on my face and make me laugh at anything. He was my protector. He always protected me. He was there for me through no matter what. I was in love with him. As much as I hate to admit it, he will always mean something to me. Kevin was my everything.

Too bad that was the old me.

"No." I swung the flowers, striking him across the cheek. "No, I will never forgive you Kevin. You have no right after a week and half come apologize to me."

Kevin looks at me and its a bang in my chest. Kevin looked sincere, too bad that I don't care. His emotion soon changed. He holds his cheek and glares at me with animalistic eyes.

"You will regret this later Ashley. Always remember this, The past will come back to haunt you again. You will never be done with past until its done with you."

"Do me a favor and talk or look at me again. We have been done for the longest time. I am done with you."

With that I slam the door in his face.

I turn around to face Roman. We both just stared at each other, finally he pulled me close to his chest.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." I said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm glad you handle that. I'm so proud of you."

I kiss him deeply trying to show my true feelings as much as I can.

The devil in disguise was once my
Now the Angel with a heart is my


Lolllll instead of starting to write a book I need to write for my English class, I am here updating for you guys.

Feel special😂

Stay Strong

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