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( this is now war . )

My music rings through out the arena, I took a deep breath and walked out once again. It was now the end of the show and I'm doubting she will actually show up. I slide through the ropes and walk to the center of the ring. Hell in a Cell chants boom around the crowd.

"Well its the end of the night. Sasha will y-" I was cut off by Sasha's music. I couldn't help but feel some type of hope.

Sasha walks down the ramp angrily with woman's title on her shoulder. I run my hand through my hair as she walks into the ring.

"You want to face me inside Hell in a Cell?" The crowd roars, I nod my head with a determine smile appearing on my face. Sasha kisses her teeth, "Fine! I will face you inside the cell for my woman's championship!"

I smile even more, that's it. I have done it. The crowd erputs in cheers. It arena was so loud that I could nearly hear myself breath. Sasha then chuckles, causing the smile on my face to vanish.
"But not so fast sweetie. Let's make things even more interesting..... If you win, I will never bother you again."
I like the sound of that. No more Sasha, where do I sign up?
"But if I win..... You will never be able to get another shot at the woman's championship for as long as you wrestle for the WWE."
Never getting a shot at the women's title again is like a life with out air. That championship is all I want in life. Its all I need. That title has gotten threw so much and to not get another shot at it made me incredible sad, but its all about the risks. If I wanted that championship I guess I will have to fight for it.

"Fine. If I win you never bother me again, but if you win I will never get a shot at that woman's title again." I paused and glared at the pink haired lady. "But I want you to know that I will do my very best not to only win but to hurt you. I will show you how dominant I am. I will show you that you aren't no Queen. I will show you why you shouldn't mess with me."

"And I will show you why exactly they call me the boss." Sasha says aggressively. "I will show you why I'm the raw woman's champion."

The crowd are torn between the two of us. They are chanting our names, but soon names turn into,

"This is woman's wrestling!"

They're right, this is woman's wrestling. This is what we should be receiving. Both Sasha and I will show what we are made of at Hell in a Cell.

"This is now war."
I say.

"Bring it." Sasha says.

We stand there glaring at each other as chaos happens around us.

We aren't only going to make history, we are going to break down the last bricks of the wall that has hold down us woman down for so long.

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