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( you are making my world spin )

"Come on Charlotte it will be fun!" Bayley says tugging my arm, trying to get me out of bed. It has been six hours since Roman confessed his feelings for me, Three since I've seen him, but whose counting? Definitely not me.

I haven't told Bayley yet. I just wanted to keep it to myself for now. I know I should probably tell him how I feel but I can't. I don't want to ruin what we have. I don't want things to end how Kevin and I ended.

I groan and try to pull my hand back.
"I want to finish the last episodes of Stranger Things and plus my feet hurt!" I whine.

"Come on it will be fun. We'll just have a couple of drinks and talk. Simple and plain. No hassle."
We fight between a tug of war. My arm was starting to hurt and it sounded tempting to go see Roman again.
"If you go, tomorrow I'll buy you lunch and finish watching Stranger Things with you."

I smirk, "You'll also have to buy me dinner."

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll buy you lunch, watch Stranger Things with you, and also buy you dinner. Now will you please come with me to some bar that Seth and Roman want to go to?! I don't want to be alone with Seth."

"You like him a lot, don't ya?"

She sighs and plops on the bed besides me, "Extremely. I don't know Charlotte, it's just something about him that I am just attracted to. He puts on a smile on my face everyday. He drives my mind crazy and makes me frustrated but I can't help but like him."

I place my hand over hers, "I know how you're feeling. Its tough but if you like him that much, just keep fighting for him."

"Is that how your dealing with it with Roman and you?"

"Yeah. But I'm fine with just being friends with him, I feel better that way. Now let's go meet them."

"Not like that you are."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I ask gesturing to my clothes. I was still wearing what I wore earlier today.

"Don't get me wrong, you look beautiful like always but we want you to look hot."

I roll my eyes, "Oh great."

Bayley stands up and grabs my suitcase. She dumps all the stuff it had inside out on the bed making me groan. Yeah Lee, go ahead and make a mess out of my stuff that I will have to clean up later.

She then throws me the standard red tight dress that I don't even know why I still have it. I walk into the bathroom and change.

"Yep red is definitely your color." Bayley says while fixing her hair. I pull my blonde hair out of its high messy ponytail. I part it and it lose.

"Alright, now we can go. Roman and Seth did text you awhile ago that there in the lobby, right?"

She bods, "Yeah, now let's go."

"Hey." I said breathlessly to Roman.

He smirks and looks me up and down, "You look great."

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